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Can not get captured image to download to screen



When I press "Start Capture" Backyard 3.02 and 3.1.1 goes through the steps and I  hear the "gong sound" but the picture does not appear on screen or down at the bottom. If i press preview I get an image. 

I see something that I don't remember seeing in the past, there is a number next to queue and if I click on it I get the following message "Image(s) in queue waiting for processing". Apparently the images are going somewhere for some kind of processing instead of on screen like they used to. I have not changed any settings, so I don't know why it  started doing this.

How can I get Backyard to function like it used to and download capture image directly to screen.


Also on version 3.1.1 I get a message "drag image to be viewed to screen", what is this, never appeared on version 3.0.2.


I like the program, I just need to get it back to working like it used to.



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Guylain re-engineered how BYE works between 3.0 and 3.1.  The change was made to speed up image capture by reducing the "down time" between when an image has been downloaded to the PC and when the next image can start.  He does this "magic" by passing the downloaded image to a background worker program for final processing. This is the "queue" that you are seeing.  Part of that processing is to save the image to disk and to display it on the screen.  This may happen after capturing the next image has already started.  The background worker should only take a few seconds to process and display the image, so if you are patient, but do not see the image displayed, there may be a problem.


First, you should upgrade to the latest version of BYE, that is 3.1.3 and try again. If you still have the issue, I would try checking the "Skip Read EXIF Data" parameter on the Advanced Settings screen.


The Preview screen is new in BYE 3.1.X, but only if you are using the Trial or Premium versions. It provides a way to view old images without needing to have your camera connected.  The way it works is that you drag the image file that you want to view onto the main area of the application.  The Preview screen also allows you to create/edit capture plans.


I hope this helps.

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I downloaded 3.1.3 and it seems to be working properly. Still can't figure out what was going on. I just tried 1 dark. Will be trying more pics when weather clears up. I am saving images to computer only, not  to camera, Thanks for the help.




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