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Aperture value not displayed in Camera Info Center and not available in Capture Plan Center



When initially connecting the camera in BYE, the aperture/av does not display in the Camera Info Center and is not available to set in the Capture Plan Center.

Found a workaround, which is to connect the camera, take an image in BYE, and then disconnect & connect the camera in BYE. The aperture/av displays correctly. Screenshots showing this behaviour are below, and BYE logfiles attached.

Is there a fix I can make so that the aperture displays correctly the first time?

Thanks! Kevin.



BYE version:
Camera: Canon 6d
Lens: 200mm f/2.8
BYE logs: attached (1-corresponding to initial Connect; 2-corresponding to 2nd Connect after workaround)

1. Start BYE & Connect camera - aperture missing



2. Capture Image - after capturing an image, Av displays in Info, and Aperture column in Capture (however is blank and dropdown is blank)



3. Disconnect & Connect Camera - Displays correctly in both centers


1st_ Unsuccesful.txt 2nd_Successful.txt

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Your first screenshot of the Camera Information Center has a green hand drawn circle around the area where the exposure and aperture would go. However you also see that the dial setting is P, for Program mode. In Program mode, you can only set the ISO and the camera's autoexposure circuitry calculates duration and aperture. This means that BYE does not know what they will be until the picture is taken and the image has been downloaded.

My T5i does not have B dial mode setting. It has M for Manual and BULB is just another exposure that is longer than 30 seconds. However when I have the camera in Manual mode where I have control over the exposure duration, ISO, and aperture, all 3 values are displayed on the CIC upon connection and I can set them in the Capture plan settings.

I hope this helps.

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As per instruction above, the camera *must* be in B or M dial mode when you connect your camera to BYE, in P mode these values are not available form the SDK.

  1. Turn off the camera
  2. In BYE, goto settings -> advance settings and clear the cache
  3. Turn the camera dial to M
  4. Turn the camera on
  5. The AV values with be loaded and cached for future use


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Thanks, that is helpful. I hadn't noticed the Dial display changing from P(rogram) to B(ulb) between screenshots in 1. and 2.

The Dial is physically set to 'B' on the camera. The camera is operated at a remote location, so it didn't physically change position during the screenshot sequence.

My follow-up question would be why does BYE read the Dial as 'P' (AEMode="PROGRAM" in the log) in 1., and then 'B' (AEMode="BULB" in the log) in 2.

Thanks again!!


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Thanks again Admin and astroman133 for the assistance. We had the camera checked at the remote site and I was mistaken -- it was set incorrectly to P mode, and changing programatically while in use. We have now corrected the physical dial setting.

Appreciate you taking the time to explain the behaviour and help resolve our (self-inflicted :)issue.


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