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Displayed Planet Clarity



I’m still kinda new at all this and have a question on planetary photography. How sharp should the planet be displayed on the screen? I’m using a Canon EOS Rebel 6 connected to a Celestron Evolution 8” that has a feather light focuser. I was out tonight so won’t get to see my results till tomorrow. No matter what I tried I couldn't seem to get a clear image on the screen. I tried with the camera directly connected to the scope and with a Baader 13mm Hyperion connected to the camera inserted in the diagonal. I tried quite a few setting combinations but never saw what I’d consider a crisp view of Jupiter Saturn.


Am I expecting too much in what is displayed on the laptop screen?

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If you are using BYE's Planetary imaging functionality and playing the .AVI file that you captured then I am not surprised that you are underwhelmed by what you are seeing. If exposed correctly the image should be very dark and Jupiter will appear be fuzzy and will jump around as the video plays. This is normal and processing the video should give a startling improvement.

This type of planetary imaging is often called "lucky" imaging. The processing software (like RegiStax or Autostakkert) has the ability to examine all the individual frames in your video and select the very best for stacking into a single still image. You can then use other image enhancement techniques to improve the appearance of the final image.

If your seeing is bad, then there could only be a few good images to stack. However, taking longer videos of Jupiter can be a problem due to the planet's fast rate of rotation. I would suggest keeping the length of your videos of Jupiter to 1 minute or less unless you try to use software like WinJuPos to de-rotate the frames to eliminate the affects of planetary rotation.

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