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Installing Backyard EOS on different PC



    I bought Backyard EOS before, and I installed in my MacBook Pro using boot camp

but now I am having some problems with the application, for example it does not let me start

an imaging session, it keeps canceling it,I don't know why, although sometimes it would work

but only for a little bit and then it won't let me use it again, I can not really use it now. Does ay body

know of this same issue?

    So now I bought a used windows laptop with windows 7 pro, I try to install it but my key is not working

I tried to type it as good as I can; it is a very long key, but it does not like it, and I can't even copy and 

paste it because is from a different computer. 

    Can any body help on what do make it work on my new laptop? I already bough the application and want

to use it now on my windows laptop only since all the other astronomy software only run in windows.

    Any help on this issues will be greatly appreciate.


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Hey there!

I am sort of in the same situation. I have Win 8.1 with VM Fusion on a MacBook Pro and BYE runs slowly on it. I was getting an abysmal frame rates. Less than 10FPS in Planetary Mode.

Thinking of a dedicated Windows laptop for BYE and the stacking programs. What kind/model did you get?


On 2/24/2015 at 0:02 PM, Mac21 said:

I bought Backyard EOS before, and I installed in my MacBook Pro using boot camp

but now I am having some problems with the application, for example it does not let me start

an imaging session, it keeps canceling it,I don't know why, although sometimes it would work

but only for a little bit and then it won't let me use it again, I can not really use it now. Does ay body

know of this same issue?

    So now I bought a used windows laptop with windows 7 pro, I try to install it but my key is not working

I tried to type it as good as I can; it is a very long key, but it does not like it, and I can't even copy and 

paste it because is from a different computer. 

    Can any body help on what do make it work on my new laptop? I already bough the application and want

to use it now on my windows laptop only since all the other astronomy software only run in windows.

    Any help on this issues will be greatly appreciate.

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On 3/13/2015 at 9:08 AM, wrz0170 said:

Hey there!

I am sort of in the same situation. I have Win 8.1 with VM Fusion on a MacBook Pro and BYE runs slowly on it. I was getting an abysmal frame rates. Less than 10FPS in Planetary Mode.

Thinking of a dedicated Windows laptop for BYE and the stacking programs. What kind/model did you get?



What camera model do you have.  If it's the T4i it can't do more than 10FPS on any environment.  All other models should do between 20 to 25 FPS.


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On 3/13/2015 at 9:50 AM, guyroch said:

What camera model do you have.  If it's the T4i it can't do more than 10FPS on any environment.  All other models should do between 20 to 25 FPS.


Hi there. Using a 550 T2i. Is the T2i capable of 20-25?

I also am going to try something that I found. I noticed that Yosimite was rather stingy with RAM and allocating only 1gb to Win8. I have 8gb on my laptop so I allocated half. Not sure if it will make a difference but I noticed on BYE system requirements that 4gb is a nice number to have.

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On 3/13/2015 at 10:52 AM, wrz0170 said:

Hi there. Using a 550 T2i. Is the T2i capable of 20-25?

I also am going to try something that I found. I noticed that Yosimite was rather stingy with RAM and allocating only 1gb to Win8. I have 8gb on my laptop so I allocated half. Not sure if it will make a difference but I noticed on BYE system requirements that 4gb is a nice number to have.

Yes, the T2i should be able to do 20-25.

RAM could be an issue as well.  Planetary frames are saved to disk while recording.  If Windows is busy swapping stuff in/out of virtual memory is will slow down everything.  That may/could be part of the issue.


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I will post results once I test it again. I will be happy closer to 20.


On 3/13/2015 at 11:23 AM, guyroch said:

Yes, the T2i should be able to do 20-25.

RAM could be an issue as well.  Planetary frames are saved to disk while recording.  If Windows is busy swapping stuff in/out of virtual memory is will slow down everything.  That may/could be part of the issue.


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On 3/13/2015 at 0:39 PM, wrz0170 said:

I will post results once I test it again. I will be happy closer to 20.

Well, I did a test. I did different Image Counts of 100, 500 and 1000. Low end 13fps. High end 15fps. It is a slight bump from where I was at but seems a lot lower around what it should be. Lower fps would mean longer tracking to get some decent frames to stack, no?

Shame, my MBP is not too much of a slouch. 2.4ghz Core 2 duo, 8gb Ram, 256mb video. Perhaps it doesn't like VM Fusion and Win8.

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Check the Resources that OSX is committing to VM Fusion.  Make sure that OSX isn't being "Stingy" - Win8.1 likes at least 4GB (as does Mountain Loin+).

If you insist on using the MacBook, you'd probably do significantly better using BootCamp and allowing Win8 to have the whole machine whilst you are Imaging.

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As long as you have the same version of BYE on both the Mac and PC you should be able to copy and paste the key into a text file on one computer transfer it over to the other computer and copy/paste it there.


If you are using BYE 3.1 you can also copy the license key from the "my client area" in the upper right corner of this forum, as long as you are signed in.

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Check the Resources that OSX is committing to VM Fusion.  Make sure that OSX isn't being "Stingy" - Win8.1 likes at least 4GB (as does Mountain Loin+).

If you insist on using the MacBook, you'd probably do significantly better using BootCamp and allowing Win8 to have the whole machine whilst you are Imaging.

Tried again and it was still low. Not to mention just slow in general. I decided to migrate to a dedicated i7 Windows machine with some more oomph under the hood.
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astroman133's answer makes the most sense. However I experienced a similar problem recently while trading out laptops and stumbled onto a way that worked for me. I simply used a removable thumb-drive , inserted it into my old computer, did a copy & paste of the code key to the thumb-drive, then put the drive into the new computer, again did a copy & paste to down load it. It's an around the barn way of doing it but it worked for me. Best of luck, Dirty Harris.

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    Hi guyroch, I think I am using version 3.0.0. Yes I am using the same version on both laptops; well I am trying to use it only on my widows PC laptop.

I will try the thumb drive option to copy and paste it, thanks dirtyharry for the idea.

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51 minutes ago, Muzzer1968 said:

Well this thread got hijacked into another topic :-(

It did.  I don't understand why people think replying to a thread with a completely different issue/question is good.  It is not, in fact it makes the forum useless at times because people can't find what they are looking for.

The best we can do is let people know when they do that and that they should create a new thread instead... and we do tell them most of the time.

Thank you for pointing it out.


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