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Can BYE support 2 Canon cameras at the same time?



Hi all,


A member of our little astronomical society asked if it would be possible

to control 2 DSLR's at the same time with BYE.

I told him to start 2 instances of BYE but he would like to synchronize the 2

cameras when imaging.


Is it possible to do this with BYE??

For example the first instance has the imaging sequence, with dither etc,

and the second instance just does the same as the first at the same time?????

like being a slave of the first one.


Any insight is highly apreciated!!!

Thanks to all!



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Hi all,


A member of our little astronomical society asked if it would be possible

to control 2 DSLR's at the same time with BYE.

I told him to start 2 instances of BYE but he would like to synchronize the 2

cameras when imaging.


Is it possible to do this with BYE??

For example the first instance has the imaging sequence, with dither etc,

and the second instance just does the same as the first at the same time?????

like being a slave of the first one.


Any insight is highly apreciated!!!

Thanks to all!




I left another post on this site a little earlier regarding controlling two cameras. 

I've tried it in MaximDL and it was problematic - more to do with the hardware than the software.  I have also tried using two Canon cameras (not software controlled) and found that small items as the amount of battery charge and outside temperature can affect timing.  These were a 60D and a 60Da, nearly identical cameras.

If all you want is to trigger a second camera and store the frames "in camera" not on the hard drive a split cable may work.  

I keep a separate laptop for each camera - No advantage of timing but everything just works and is stable.


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I'm sorry, just saw this already has been asked on the fórum BUT:


- Is there really a need to split the cable, if each camera can be connected

  by it's USB cable to a HUB?

- Wouldn't it be much simpler to just start 2 instances and let the second instance

  just be a slave of the first one?


If Astrotortilla can take control of BYE, why wouldn't it be posible to do the same

for a second instance? ( of course the 2nd instance has it's capture folder different

then the first instance )


Hmmm, just thinking what am I missing???






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I'm sorry, just saw this already has been asked on the fórum BUT:


- Is there really a need to split the cable, if each camera can be connected

  by it's USB cable to a HUB?

- Wouldn't it be much simpler to just start 2 instances and let the second instance

  just be a slave of the first one?


If Astrotortilla can take control of BYE, why wouldn't it be posible to do the same

for a second instance? ( of course the 2nd instance has it's capture folder different

then the first instance )


Hmmm, just thinking what am I missing???






It all depends what you want to do.


If you want to dither and use both cameras you need a split cable otherwise they will not be in synch.


If you do not dither and just want to control 2 cameras then just start 2 instances.


One with camera1.exe and the second one with camera2.exe.  This will ensure that they each have their own config settings.


If you want to use AstroTortilla with each instances set a different port in BYE -> Settings -> 3rd Party Integration.


Hope this helps,



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There have been a couple of previous Conversations on this topic hosted on the older Yahoo Group:


Dual Cameras and Dithering

PHD2 has Multiple Simultaneous AutoGuider support

Multiple Simultaneous BYE Camera Instances

Two Cameras with BYE

Dual camera/scope setup?


The current status is the need for a "Split Shutter Cable" in order to manage simultaneous Imaging through two Cameras.


There had been discussions of potential future Dev Effort to accommodate the features necessary to provide In-Laptop Multiple Camera Instance Synchronization.  But as BinaryRivers is currently a very small (2-man?) shop with an existing list of "commitments" for BackyardNIK and other BYEOS Enhancements, we're rather cognizant that these suggested additions are further down the work order list.  But, I'm still hopeful that Guylain will get to them - even if in bits and pieces - as opportunities present themselves.

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I'm sorry, just saw this already has been asked on the fórum BUT:


- Is there really a need to split the cable, if each camera can be connected

  by it's USB cable to a HUB?

- Wouldn't it be much simpler to just start 2 instances and let the second instance

  just be a slave of the first one?


If Astrotortilla can take control of BYE, why wouldn't it be posible to do the same

for a second instance? ( of course the 2nd instance has it's capture folder different

then the first instance )


Hmmm, just thinking what am I missing???






It all depends what you want to do.


If you want to dither and use both cameras you need a split cable otherwise they will not be in synch.


If you do not dither and just want to control 2 cameras then just start 2 instances.


One with camera1.exe and the second one with camera2.exe.  This will ensure that they each have their own config settings.


If you want to use AstroTortilla with each instances set a different port in BYE -> Settings -> 3rd Party Integration.


Hope this helps,




Thanks Guylain, I apreciate all the feedback so I can learn how to get most out of BYE.

Myself I'm starting up with the Premium versión and Astrotortilla and I have to state

I am completely blown away by the ease of centering whatever object!

If only weather would allow Ibelieve I could also get some decent images with my



Now on the subject, I'm still thinking on how it could be done.

Wouldn't it be posible to state in BYE that you have a 2nd instance running acepting

commands like "start capturing - stop capturing and save ? "

This way the first instance does the dithering, whatever and when it starts capturing a frame

it commands the second instance to do the same.

Just thinking, I don't have any clue on how difficult that would be to implement and I

also fully understand your workload!

Just for curiousity.

I am a very happy user of BYE!!







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Getting a Master instance and Slave instance of BYE to follow suite is a MAJOR feature.  This is why I'm recommending the split cable for now if you want to dither.  If not you can already start and connect 2 cameras at the same time with the Premium Edition... but they are separate instances without one knowing the other one is there


My Priorities are...

1) BackyardNIKON

2) Completing Auto-focus


These 2 well take all my time for at least 6 to 10 months... which means I will not (and can  not) entertain any other big feature until 2015 for sure.


BYE is a weekend and weeknight gig for both Chris and I.  I have 3 kids and Chris has 2... time is limited at both ends <_>





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Thanks Guylain, I fully understand about time, workload etc.....


You already do a wonderful job so don't put too many things

on the wish lists [crazy]

I hope to get some clear night soon and go out to a dark site.


Best regards,


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I have two Canon T3i cameras and just tested using the second instance of BYE.  When I open the second instance of BYE, power on the camera and click connect the Camera Selector dialog shows 2 cameras with the same name and there's no way to tell which one is not connected.  In my testing the camera that's powered on last seems to appear at the top of the list every time.  Is there any way to filter the list and exclude cameras already connected to instance #1?  Or is there some way to give them unique names and show in the UI which camera an instance is connected to? Is there any risk if I pick wrong?



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I have two Canon T3i cameras and just tested using the second instance of BYE.  When I open the second instance of BYE, power on the camera and click connect the Camera Selector dialog shows 2 cameras with the same name and there's no way to tell which one is not connected.  In my testing the camera that's powered on last seems to appear at the top of the list every time.  Is there any way to filter the list and exclude cameras already connected to instance #1?  Or is there some way to give them unique names and show in the UI which camera an instance is connected to? Is there any risk if I pick wrong?




Sadly there is no property in the Canon SDK to -know- if a camera is connected or not <_>


The only information I have is the camera name (which I display) and the usb port where it is connected.  I would have to do some gymnastic with the usb port and try to identify which camera is associated to which port and then try to exclude from the list the ones that are connected... but that would be messy, doable (I think) but messy <_>



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