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Revisiting Mirror Up or Mirror-Lock in BackyardNIKON



Found in the archives a post from June of 2014 where Primeclash asked about a mirror up option.  Probably was after something similar to what can be done with "DSLR Shutter".


That is the ability to flip the mirror up, "x" seconds before beginning a BULB exposure.


With my D7000:
Mode dial set to "M" (manual)
Release Mode dial set to "Mup" (mirror up)
Exposure set to "BULB"


Utilizing a DSUSB connectiity, with "DSLR Shutter" I can configure an exposure (or sequence of exposures) to flip the mirror up, "n" seconds before beginning my BULB exposure.


Very nice for eliminating mirror-slap vibration before you expose.


Of course, DSLR Shutter doesn't have the features of a BYN, but the pre-exposure mirror-up feature is very nice.


I know Guy mentions that it wouldn't be there for v1, but in a posting on the Beta 02f release Guy mentions "Mirror-lock using SEROAL CABLE only.  I was not able to make it work over USB cable". 


So if I understand correctly, with a 2 USB cable setup for my D7000 (USB to camera mini-B USB port, DSUSB to camera accessory terminal) mirror up or mirror-lock is NOT available yet in BackYardNIKON, correct?  And if not, what are the plans to put it in at some time?


Thanks in advance ... Bill

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Mirror lockup is over rated for long exposure photography anyway.  People think it adds value and they want to use it because they can.




I agree.  Mirror lockup is for a certain critical range of shutter speeds, typically around 1/15 of a second and was added mostly for landscape photographers shooting at dusk.  It has no visible impact on long exposure imaging.

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It is not available in v1, with either cables.


Mirror lockup is over rated for long exposure photography anyway.  People think it adds value and they want to use it because they can.  In 99% of the cases where people use it don't even need it.  The only scenario where it is needed is if you have a not-so-solid mount and you are taking short images, say < 30 seconds.


Anything longer is mirror lockup adds no value at all, zero, zilch, nada.  Why?  Because the extended exposure will wash out any visible vibration (if any) with real photons.


Hope this helps,



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As a free lance photographer for over 40 years I agree with your assessmnet...mirror lock is great for exposures of 1/30 to 1 or 2 sec.   After that there are many other critical issues more important such as stable mount, cable or remote release, wind etc. 

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