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Cam Connects, Yet Byeos Freeze's



T1i, W7, fresh/new install of BYEOS (on new laptop, old WXP died). Cam will connect, yet when clicking Frame&Focus, BYEOS takes forever to open that, then when trying to select iso, BYEOS locks up, freezes, and have to use task manager to end task. Have tried different USB port (2.0), uninstalled and reinstalled the battery pack (110v converter), smae problem. Guylian...want to look at the log file(s)?


P.S. I haven't installed ASCOM yet..is this needed for BYEOS? Log file is indicating it can't be found.

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Ok, I'm 99% sure it is related to live view zoom. 


Let me focus on that.

2015-01-22 21:33:06,031 [Main] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsSetPropertyData(cameraRef, LiveviewZoom(1287), 0, size(4), 1)...2015-01-22 21:33:21,390 [Main] DEBUG - ERROR EDS_ERR_DEVICE_BUSY : EDSDK.EdsSetPropertyData(cameraRef, LiveviewZoom(1287), 0, size(4), 1) 2015-01-22 21:33:21,390 [Main] DEBUG -    at BinaryRivers.Common.ProviderInterfaces.Camera.CameraControllerBase.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.PropertyBaseUint.UploadPropertyValueToCamera(UInt32 propertyid, Int32 param, UInt32 value)   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.PropertyEvfZoom.set_Value(String value)   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass36.<PropertySet>b__35(IProperty x)   at System.Collections.Generic.List`1.ForEach(Action`1 action)   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelBase.PropertySet(CameraPropertyEnum property, String value, Boolean force)   at BinaryRivers.Common.Model.CameraModelCanonBase.set_PropertyZoomEvf(String value)
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I think I found the cause, your camera is reporting that it does not support "Live view zoom" but the 500D does have live view zoom so I'm a little bit confused.


2015-01-22 21:31:30,671 [Main] INFO  - CameraPropertyChangedArgs fired: LiveviewZoom         = 'Not supported'


Let me know if it works with your second 500D.


Also, try with EOS Utility if the 5x zoom is working.


I push comes to shove I see if I can add a quick fix to ignore that property, at least this will let go into frame&focus... albeit without the 5x zoom.



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This is starting to haunt me :(


Can you please try EOS Utilty and see if you can get 5x live view zoom to work.


I'm not positive this is the issue now, I need to find the root cause why your 500D and BYE does play nice with this feature.


Keep me posted please

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Okay, it is confirmed.  This issue is not software related, it is a specific camera issue.  Not the 500D in general, but the OP's camera itself.  This has been confirmed by the OP.  He had access to a second 500D and everything worked as expected with the second camera... so this confirms the camera has some gremlins doing gymnastics inside the camera body :(

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ASCOM is not needed and irrelevant in this case.


What version of BYE?


Does it do the same thing with EOS Utility when going into live view? 


How long is your USB cable?


Do you have a USB HUB?  If yes how many devices are connected.



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Tried both 3.1  3.2 "Classic"


Will have to check the live view thing, yet isn't "frame & focus" "live view" since one can see what the chip sees to be able to focus?


I use the standard 6' Canon cable, to a 16' "active" repeater cable (come to think of it, this happened awhile ago. Get the Err20 code in the Camera)..I have tried swapping the USB @ the laptop, yet haven't disconnected and reconnected at the Canon cable & repeater cable junction)..will try that later.


I don't use a hub for cam connect, only the repeater cable.


I'll try the above and report back.

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Most likely, your 16' "active" repeater cable is at fault...


Suggested tests:

1) Run through the various BYE Features (Frame and Focus, Image Capture, Planetary) with the Camera attached through only the short USB Cable supplied with your DSLR while on your desk/table (no need for Scope - any Canon Lens will do; no need for Night or Stars - indoor scene will do).  Confirm that all these functions work as expected in this short / simple cabling arrangement.

2) Run same tests with the addition of each piece of your longer USB Cabling.

3) Run a simple test of Copy Large Files to/from a USB Key Flash Drive (not a USB HDD) attached at the end of your full-length USB Cabling configuration.  Note the Throughput speed which Windows reports during these Transfers (look for "Speed" in the "More Details" pulldown displayed while the large Files are being copied).


It is likely that you have assembled a USB Cabling run which while adequate at lower speed Transfers has issues when transferring the large sustained quantities of data necessary for Remote LiveView usage.

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With some futher "testing" it may be the camera. Tried it in the obsv, and same issue on the WINxp Quad core raid system out there. Changed the camera USB cable to another one, same result(s). It's strange, since it was working fine before the laptop failed (cam wasn't connected, nor was BYEOS or any other programs running when the HD took a poop.) Will send the log's for inspection.

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Make sure that you have tried with the T1i Drivers as downloaded directly from the Canon Support site, rather than those auto-installed by Windows.  The T1i, being an older Camera, might not be too comfortable with the current "generic" Driver which is downloaded during Plug-n-Play.

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Will have to test later. Problems seem to be when going from the picture taking area into the "frame/focus"(live view) screen. (and planets/drift also). When clicking on that (any of those) "tabs" it "hangs" for a bit, but eventually opens, then trying to do anything else, it "freezes". When this is selected, the camera throws the Err20 message. On another note, when that function actually starts, the ISO is set to "AUTO", not as set as it was in the Imaging selection. Trying to drop down the selection to select the ISO won't work 'cause the Err20 code has "locked" the cam.

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Ok, just went out to the Obsv, fired up the the cam & BYEOS, generated a "fresh" set of log's, and sent them....this is really frustrating..not only for you, yet for us "testers".....


P.S. have a "new"/used 500D to be picked up this weekend. Once in my possession, will "set it up" and then connect it for "testing" purposes...see if it throws the same issues...


perhaps this will eliminate the camera as suspect??

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