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Feature Request--Bahtinov Focus Audible Confirmation




When using the bahtinov feature, would it be possible to add in an audible confirmation sound when focus is within the user-specified tolerance? This would help when focusing at the scope when the laptop's screen isn't within easy view to see the green focus confirmation circle. Thanks.


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When using the bahtinov feature, would it be possible to add in an audible confirmation sound when focus is within the user-specified tolerance? This would help when focusing at the scope when the laptop's screen isn't within easy view to see the green focus confirmation circle. Thanks.




Interesting and possible too :)

Guylain, any progress on this? It would be a nice feature to have. I think just a simple beep when the green focus confirmation circle appears would be sufficient. Thanks.


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This might be expressed as a suggestion for Audio Feedback for all the Frame&Focus Tools which calculate a FWHM or HWM or other Quantitative Value.


Perhaps a little Audio Checkbox or Volume Tool which generates a "beep"/"click"/"frequency" with a rate based on the inverse of the decreasing value of the Data Item.  Then the user could trigger it, and adjust Focus based on feedback of the Tone produced (hopefully at a volume not destined to annoy/awaken those at the next Observing Site over ;^) ).

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When using the bahtinov feature, would it be possible to add in an audible confirmation sound when focus is within the user-specified tolerance? This would help when focusing at the scope when the laptop's screen isn't within easy view to see the green focus confirmation circle. Thanks.



Interesting and possible too :)

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This might be expressed as a suggestion for Audio Feedback for all the Frame&Focus Tools which calculate a FWHM or HWM or other Quantitative Value.


Perhaps a little Audio Checkbox or Volume Tool which generates a "beep"/"click"/"frequency" with a rate based on the inverse of the decreasing value of the Data Item.  Then the user could trigger it, and adjust Focus based on feedback of the Tone produced (hopefully at a volume not destined to annoy/awaken those at the next Observing Site over ;^) ).


A bit like the beeps from reverse parking assistance in cars? The fast the beeps, the closer you are to being in focus. A continuous tone showing you're in focus.  Use a bluetooth headphone (with dongle if your computer doesn't have bluetooth) and you won't need to worry about disturbing the neighbours, either :)



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BYE won't be able to generate a Continuous Tone for "In Focus", because in most cases "In Focus" is a tenuous thing affected by Atmospheric Turbulence and Seeing - the calculated values will be jumping around a decent bit.

There is a Setting for an Bahtinov "Threshold" which could trigger a Continuous Tone, but in my experience the Bahtinov Diffraction Pattern will be jumping around that value - maybe making a Continuous Tone into a Staccato...

And there is a FWHM "Averaging" Frame Count setting which is perhaps also applied to the HWD and StdDev measurements, intended to settle these values a bit...


But, unless the User has already set Thresholds (Focus Goals) values for the current Observing Session - something which would require the Observer to view the Laptop and make Qualitative decisions - then it's hard to determine how to derive a "Perfect Focus" Continuous Tone in a simple manner.


Although, that Challenge is probably Exactly what is driving Guylain NUTS over his efforts to produce the high-quality Auto-Focus routine that he demands of himself before releasing that Feature to a future BYE Premium version...

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Why aren't all celestial objects (maybe with the exception of the Moon) in perfect focus after a star is first brought to perfect focus using the Bahtinov mask?  I would think that everything beyond the Moon is essentially at infinity.


Perhaps you can explain "which Celestial Object(s)" you would be referencing...



IF an Accurate Focus of a Star were performed to the best of one's ability;  And that Star were in the central portion of the Scope's Field of View;  And the subsequent DSO were observed in essentially the same portion of the FOV; And the Objects were in the central portion of the Night Sky (neither near the Horizons nor any large distant Heat Sources);  And neither the Focusing Mechanism nor the Optics were prone to Movement or Slippage or "Mirror Flop" or a Change of Filters; then one Should expect the subsequent DSOs to also be In Focus.

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Thank you.  I see your points, s3igell.  I was assuming that during a series of image-capturings, as long as the accessories attached to the telescope's focuser remained the same, then one focusing session with a Bahtinov mask would be sufficient.  Pinpoint objects near the center of field of view would be in "perfect focus", and as for nebulae and galaxies, they're too diffuse or distant (small) to be themselves focusable.  I'd forgotten about drawtube slippage.  Isn't that what duct tape is for?   ;)


Bob Z. 

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Probably the biggest focusing issue for me is focus shift due to cooling of the optical train.  Temperatures in Arizona can drop by 40 degrees from sunset to sunrise.  I have to re-focus my refractor at least once an hour, even without any movement other than tracking and guiding.

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