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Camera Selectio



I just downloaded version 3.1.18  I have 2 questions:

1. Start screen is loaded in red, anyway to change to daylight real colors, like I see on the video tutorial?


2. When I click on Connect Camera a blank screen pops up, no place to select a camera ( I have a EOS 70D). Tried connecting the camera to the laptop, but no deference.



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1. Start screen is loaded in red, anyway to change to daylight real colors, like I see on the video tutorial? 


2. When I click on Connect Camera a blank screen pops up, no place to select a camera ( I have a EOS 70D). Tried connecting the camera to the laptop, but no deference.

This is what you should see, and for the 70D you should choose Canon, not Canon210 which is for very old models. If your screen is blank then you need to re-install the software.


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That did the trick! Thanks!

Also I would like to ask:

1. The installer installed three icons, Camera BYE 3.1, Bye 3.1 camera 2 and BackYard Red.. I have two cameras, the EOS 70D and the new EPS R. Should I use one icon for each or is there a way to sett up two cameras in the application itself? The Red one seems to piut everything in night mode...



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You should get a clean install and then read the manual with regard to how to set up 2 cameras. There are two options. You can access the manual from the start menu or by clicking on the "?" icon at the upper right of the BYE main window, assuming that you have Adobe Acrobat Reader installed.

You have two camera models, but there may not be any model-specific setup necessary. So it is likely that you can use the same setup for both cameras. This means that you would only need to use the second instance of BYE if you are trying to control both cameras at the same time.

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The second icon "Bye 3.1 camera 2" is only useful if you use both camera at the same time.

If you only use one camera at a time it does not matter which icon you choose, they are the same with the only exception that they have individual setting file.


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  It is not actually involved in Camera Control

BackyardRED is exactly that - a tiny Red Screen Application - from back in the Days before Win7/8/10 allowed User Control of Themes (nor came with an All-Encompassing Dark Theme).  It is not involved in Camera Control - only Screen Control.  Honestly, with Win10 Dark Theme support, one can build a more "Complete" Red Theme than was possible with BackyardRED (mainly because Windows didn't play by its own Rules - and some Dialogs and Errors would still pop-up in WHITE).

While Guylain (admin) explained the main purpose for Camera1 and Camera2 .EXEs, you might actually be able to use their Feature of having independent Settings Files so that you can best control your Image Capture Sessions with the 2x different Canon DSLRs.  For instance, each could have a unique "Save-To" Directory Tree, separate File-naming Sequences, and of lesser concern separate cached Shutter Speeds and such.  It'd be a little more work for you to setup and test, in the beginning.  But it might make a much more Customized Experience in the long run.  Or...  You can run either DSLR using the "original" BYE 3.1 Icon, as both are current enough to have the same Drivers and Speed Options and such...

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