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Canon 60D stopped working after use with BackyardEOS V3



I had been using my Canon EOS 60D without issue for an astrophotography session outdoors (all manual or remote shutter). I brought the camera and scope back inside and decided to use BackyardEOS to complete the process of taking flats. First time using BackyardEOS.


All seemed to go well, although it did seem to get stuck, though I cannot remember any specific error messages.


Next time I came to use my camera, it would not power on. I researched across the web and found this seems to be a common issue, but most suggest replacing the lens, replacing the SD card with a newly formatted card or replacing the battery, none of which worked for me.


Finally I sent it into Canon for their standard fix price of $199. Camera was out of warranty.


I still however wonder if it is something from BackyardEOS that caused the issue, as that was the last work I did with this camera. Maybe a command that the camera doesn't like, or a crash during operation that somehow locks out the camera, or causes internal power issues.


I have also come across other Canon owners that seem to have had similar issues, where the camera will no longer power on after use with BackyardEOS. 


Is this a known problem, or something lurking under the surface, or just totally unrelated to BackyardEOS?




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6 answers to this question

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The 60D(a) is plagued with camera power issues; with and without software.  These issues go back to 2011 and 2010 in some case.


This joint announcement was release last year.




Some direct links here for convenience.


60Da won't power on after/while using EOS Utility



60Da won't power on after/while using BYE



60Da won't power on after/while using APT



60Da won't power on after/while using an intervalometer



60D won't power on while not using software



60D won't power on while not using software



60D won't power on while not using software



60D won't power on (not clear if a software was used)



60D won't power on while not using software (this one offers a solution that worked for him)




Anyway, is there a pattern?  I don't see one aside from a general 60D(a) issue with or without computer assisted shooting.


No other model shows wide spread power failures of that magnitude worldwide.  It's sad actually <_>



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Wow, that is an extensive reply and gives me lots of reading material. I focused on the joint announcement and it is a well written response to the issues being seen.


And yes, I did find instances of the same issue coming up over the EOS Utility in my further research last night. Its a shame, because those  of use using 60D love the camera overall, but if I am going to get hit by $200 repairs after doing some basic commands over USB from ANY of those pieces of software, then I might as well trade away from the 60D.


Is there news of this hitting other Canon cameras, i.e. is there a best bet? I guess the latest 70D is too new to know.


I'd like to stick with Canon because I love the functionality of BackyardEOS and have invested money in other Canon items, e.g. lenses, flash, remotes, etc.


Does Canon have a fix? new firmware, or a statement about what is happening? All the ones below seem external forums to Canon. On the other hand, whilst I understand the concept of using a SDK from Canon, there must be a sequence of events happening during that conversation between PC and camera mixed with something the user is doing that causes this issue. i.e. power off in the middle of liveview, or changing from bulb to P while the camera is connected, or some combination that could be avoided.


I'll read  through all the forums and see if I can see a pattern. I'll also pass on this information you sent out to all my Canon 60D friends, so they do  not get stuck by this, or at least have an awareness.


I appreciate the swift response Guylain.



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The issue that you have experienced is apparently a manufacturing defect in the 60D.  Canon has not admitted this directly, but has repaired cameras that are out of warranty at no cost to the owner.  The fix is to replace the faulty electronics.  They have been vague about what was done to repair the camera.


Perhaps you can get them to refund the repair cost.

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Does that mean I will be safe to use the 60D with BYE and other control programs, now that I have had new electronics installed by Canon? or should I just trade up to a 7D MkII when it comes out, or even move onto CCD astrophotography, which I know is a whole new world of learning, cost, failures and successes?



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You said that you did substantial Google Research and Reading - beyond the Reading List that Guylain provided.  In any of those sources that you found, did you see reports of "Failed Again after Canon 'Mystery Repair'" ??  Or of "Canon Repair Failed to Fix" ??

As a 60D Owner / User, I too was rather concerned.  And in my reading failed to find either case.

That result is part of what afforded me the Comfort-Level to continue using my 60D for AP Imaging as well as being my Mainstay Daytime Landscape Imaging Camera.


But, do your own research...

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Does that mean I will be safe to use the 60D with BYE and other control programs, now that I have had new electronics installed by Canon? or should I just trade up to a 7D MkII when it comes out, or even move onto CCD astrophotography, which I know is a whole new world of learning, cost, failures and successes?




I have never heard of a second failure once Canon has replaced the faulty PCB board assembly. 



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