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Images not Saving to PC




Love the program but since I updated to 3.1.18 a month a go or so I have been having a number of problems (also tried 3.20 w/o success).  I have reverted back to 3.1.16 on my MS Surface Pro which in itself took a while and a number of attempts to get working sort of.  Unistalling using Win 10 installer, then manually deleting leftover bits in the Registry, appdata, etc.  Reinstalling in new directories (which BTW does not re-install all subdirectories in Pictures/BackyardEOS or BackyardTemp).

Anyway, I have managed to get 3.1.16 to load and recognize the camera after checking log-file and seeing BackyardTemp/Cache directory was missing, so I manually created the subdirectory.

Anyway, I am testing this out with my camera at the kitchen table, and saving photos to camera and PC.  But I am not seeing any images in the "slideshow" area at the lower left of the interface, and there are no images being saved in Photos/BackyardEOS, even though that is identified as the target directory. I will attach the log-file, and I notice an error about a missing iso.dat file for the camera.  I don't know if that is the reason for this problem, and if it is then how is it fixed?  Other fuinctions seem to be working except for another issue that I will open up a separate thread for.






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Well, I'd be more interested in knowing your 3.1.18 or 3.2.0 issues.  3.1.16 is over 3 years old and won't get any fix applied to it.

Please share your 3.2.0 log file and issues you speak of.

The fact that the CACHE folder was missing is pointing to a Windows permission issue and this may be the root cause.



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I uninstalled 3.1.16 and installed 3.1.18 on my Surface.  Installed into a new unique directory.  All three cameras (60D (asro), 5D3, 7D2) appear to function and can all take photos.  But BYEOS not saving photos to the hard-drive.  For none of the cameras.  Log files attached.

I looked at log files and noticed Cache error (missing files).  I have a clean install of 3.2.0 RC2 on my home laptop and it had the cache files.  2 files for each directory, names seemed to be the same as the missing files being looked for by BYEOS in 3.1.18 so I copied those into the Cache folder on my Surface and tried again (7D2 only).  Took photo in 3.1.18, and still not saved on the PC.  That log file attached (identified with Cache fixed)

logfile-[20200405-11h22m32s944]-[3076]-2020-04-05-7D2-3.1.18.txt logfile-[20200405-11h30m27s230]-[7252]-2020-04-05-5D3-3.1.18.txt logfile-[20200405-11h35m00s752]-[2112]-2020-04-05-60D-3.1.18.txt logfile-[20200405-12h25m17s554]-[14724]-2020-04-05-7D2-3.1.18-Cache Fixed.txt

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All of the provided log files have the same error, like the following:

2020-04-05 12:26:07,655 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(312903608)] INFO  - WARNING EDS_ERR_STREAM_OPEN_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsCreateFileStream(dirItemInfo.szFileName, EDSDK.EdsFileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, EDSDK.EdsAccess.ReadWrite, out stream) 

It seems that the Canon EOS SDK is not able to download the image from the camera. I wonder if anti-virus software running on the Surface is preventing the image download.

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Idon't think that is the problem.  Log files were saved to the BackyardTEMP folder and it is ID'd in Settings.

If it anti-virus, does it have tobe shut down whenever I use BYEOS?  I run the default MS AV on my Surface only.


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I would temporarily suspend your anti-virus software and try BYE. It if works then you will need to figure out how to tell  the anti-virus software to allow BYE to download the images. I am running Windows 10 on a desktop with Windows Defender as my A/V software I did not have to do anything to get it to allow image downloads.

I would also make sure that the folder that is in your BackyardTEMP setting actually exists.

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23 minutes ago, ANKulin said:

Idon't think that is the problem.  Log files were saved to the BackyardTEMP folder and it is ID'd in Settings.

If it anti-virus, does it have tobe shut down whenever I use BYEOS?  I run the default MS AV on my Surface only.



Not necessarily.  Images are downloaded in BackyardTEMP\Download while log files are in BackyardTEMP\logs.

Create new folder in Windows, say BackyardTEMP2 and point it there. See if this makes a difference.


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Most AntiVirus Programs can be told to explicitly "Trust" a specified program.  Some AV programs go by "How Many Users in the World" to decide whether a Program is Trustworthy.  Unfortunately when looking at Millions of PCs, the special niche that BYE plays has so few users that you may need to intervene with your AV Program.

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I had the same issue with my Canon 5D Mark II yesterday.  I could connect and operate the camera and take shots.  But it would only write to the camera card and not my windows 10 laptop.  I uninstalled and then ran a windows cleaner, including the register (I used CCleaner) and rebooted.  When I re-installed I noticed a message from my virus software (Bit Defender) that BYE was trying to modify a protected folder.  I clicked on "details" and it allowed me to enable BYE to modify the folder.  This fixed my issue!  I hope this helps.

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