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Histogram not shown in Image Centre



First night of imaging after 2 months due to the fires in Australia , set my capture plan and when the Ist image was displayed there is no histogram shown on the right hand side ( you can only view histogram by pressing the icon button ) This has never happened to me before after using BYEOS Classic for 3 years 

Any ideas how to restore the histogram In the image centre 

I closed and re opened BYEOS still no histogram 
Thanks in advance 


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When posting an issue or question let us know which model of camera and version (like 3.1.18) of BYE you are using.

I am unable to duplicate your issue with BYE 3.1.18 RC11 and my T5i. The histogram displays just fine.

Possible reasons for no histogram can be 1) you are saving the image to the camera only, or 2) you have selected Skip Read EXIF data on the Advanced Settings dialog.


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I think he just resized the window smaller than the normal size -or- choose 'netbook resolution' in the settings dialog, which resizes the main ui window to fit in a 1024x600 netbook resolution.

The screen shoot of the ui will confirm this.

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Photo of screen attached

I am using BYEOS version 3.1.16 Classic

Camera is a  Canon 600 D

I always save image to PC only

I have not selected skip read EXIF data

Screen has no histogram centre whether you choose netbook resolution or not 

I’ve been using the same laptop and screen arrangement for 3 years now , first time this has happened 

I’ve close my other apps , then closed BYEOS then reopened BYEOS in full screen , still no histogram centre , only progress centre 

any ideas ?


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When I saw your reply and the screenshot I remembered that this had happened before. See the post below:

From this post, the issue occurred when the Windows Display settings were modified by the user to increase the scaling to some number above 100%. In this case BYE reacted by collapsing the Histogram area and making it available via a button on the left-hand side of the Capture Plan Center.

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Thanks All for your assistance

I just solved my own problem, closed BYEOS, restarted my laptop , unplugged and replugged camera USB cable from laptop ,opened BYEOS again , connected camera and screen now has the Histogram Centre 

All OK now !

Should have tried this in the first place 

When in doubt, reboot , disconnect, reconnect 

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It a windows size issue, he must have resized the BYE window to a point where it activated the small resolution netbook 1024x600 display.  At startup BYE witll resize to it's minimal size.  Reboot had nothing to do with it, but restarting the app does.


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