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Nikon Z6 - Your camera requires a configured serial cable for BULB or Mirror Lock.




a few days ago I first tried to use BYN2.0 with the Nikon Z6, but I couldn't get it to work with bulb exposures.  Live view was working fine, and the changed settings were mirrored on the camera display. After trying different cables and changing the mode dial on the camera, I gave up.

Today I tried to solve the problem indoors, and found in the camera log the following message:

17:17:16  Your camera requires a configured serial cable for BULB or Mirror Lock.
17:17:17  Imaging session cancelled
17:18:58  Imaging session started.

I assumed the Z6 works for Bulb exposures without a serial connection? I had no trouble with the D750 which works with just the USB connection. For the D7000 I need to use the DSUSB box of course.

Is there a setting in BYN2.0 or on the camera that could result in such a log message?

When trying to do a bulb exposure, it shows BUSY and then ABORTING for a very short time, then it wouldn't even download an image.

any help is appreciated,


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thank you for your very fast reply!

The version I use is BackyardNikon 2.0.11 Premium, but in the meantime I have found the problem. In the advanced settings I had accidentially(?) activated the "Camera Force Use Serial Cable" option, now that I deselected this setting everything works as expected, thank you!


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First, please provide the entire version number of BYN, as in 2.0.11 (or whatever you have), since there are probably over a couple dozen releases and pre-releases that start with 2.0.

Then do not attempt to use the Mirror Lock features that may be available in BYN, since the Nikon SDK does not support this capability.

The Z6 does support BULB over USB.

If you still cannot figure out what is happening you may benefit from doing a factory reset on the camera. This can often reset parameters that are preventing BYN from controlling the camera.

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As mentioned above, please provide full version number.

The Z6 does not have a mirror box, it's a mirrorless camera.  I suspect you have activated virtual mirror lock in advance settings... but first we need the full version number of BYN you are using otherwise it's all speculation.

EDIT: You may also have chosen (by mistake) a serial cable in the capture plan (cable support pulldown). This needs to be set to "Camera USB" for the Z6.


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1 hour ago, astrograph said:

thank you for your very fast reply!

The version I use is BackyardNikon 2.0.11 Premium, but in the meantime I have found the problem. In the advanced settings I had accidentially(?) activated the "Camera Force Use Serial Cable" option, now that I deselected this setting everything works as expected, thank you!


Yep, that would do it.  Glad you got it to work.

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