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D5300 & Live View



At the risk of flogging a dead horse....I still cannot get Frame/Focus Live View to work with a D5300. I have read all the related posts I found here, but nothing seems to be the magic key.

1) Maximum sensitivity in BYN is unchecked

2) I have disconnected the D5300, gone into Live Mode and pressed the OK button - then connected it back up. I can change the exposure (not Bulb but shutter speed) and the ISO but it makes no difference on the image. I redid this thinking maybe I turned it off... no joy.

3) I can pause Live Mode and change ISO or exposure time - then restart live mode.... no change.

4) The camera is in M - mode. I read in one post to make sure it was in Manual and not Bulb - but that makes no sense. Bulb is a shutter speed. I set the shutter speed to a number - no change.

5) I verified Auto ISO is not on in camera. I manually set the ISO speed.

6) I even changed the Capture Plan Center settings thinking they were linked somehow - nope.

The image that appears has a lot of noise - white marks. Everything else works perfectly.

Does that just not work with this camera? If anyone has one and got it to work, please explain.


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The key comment is "The image that appears has a lot of noise - white marks. Everything else works perfectly."

This means it works, you do get an image and the image BYN returns is the live view feed as is.

What does the image on the Camera Display looks like?  Is it the same as you get in BYN?

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I meant - everything else seems to work with the camera. When connected to the computer, the camera display is black - LV shuts down . So, what I was doing was - in the daytime - trying to get it so I can control the exposure on the frame focus live view. I will try tonight with BYN disconnected from the camera.

I could not change the exposure no matter what I do - which I thought was possible? If not, then ok - i will leave the horse alone... 😀

I will try to take a photo of what is on the screen tonight. Yes, I do get an image but on the really bright stars show up through the noise.




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I think that it is normal for the camera to disable the LCD screen when it is connected to the computer.

If the camera has a setting for exposure simulation in Live View, you should enable it. If not, using the ISO and/or exposure to adjust the brightness of the LiveView images may not be supported for your model.

You should also know that LiveView frames have a very short exposure so it is normal to only see the brightest stars. It still works well for focusing and planetary imaging.

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1 hour ago, astroman133 said:

If the camera has a setting for exposure simulation in Live View, you should enable it. If not, using the ISO and/or exposure to adjust the brightness of the LiveView images may not be supported for your model.

Sorry (thought I replied to this already..) but that was what I tried to do in (2) above - guess my wording was wrong.

I was really hoping someone with a D5300 would validate if this is possible - using ISO to alter Live View image - is possible.

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Funny, I have a similar problem and after extensive Googling came to the conclusion that the d5300 does not support simulated exposure & ISO. I actually came here today to ask, does anyone have or know of a Nikon that does do simulated exposure & ISO in live view?  Frustrating because I watched a friend use a Bahtinov mask with his Canon & live view to focus, I think he did a much better job at it. My problem of late is I have had to use FWHM  from within BYN, and while I have gotten the stars to the lowest values I could adjust the focus on, ultimately I just feel as if my stars are a tad out of focus (2nd reason I came here today, search topic on FWHM in Frame & Focus)

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Sadly this is option where Canon (called exposure simulation) beats Nikon hands down.  Canon has had this for over 12+ years now.  Nikon is slowly catching up with a similar feature in more recent models... but it's been my experience that Nikon hasn't made this option very visible or easy to use/activate as Canon did.

Did you see/try this?  Look at my reply, 4th post I think.



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On the d5300 the exposure rate of live view can be altered between 1/4000 sec to 1/50 sec. The ISO can be any value, 100 to 12800 or the extra Hi 1.

The way to do it on camera is not straight forward but not difficult.

Go menu- shooting menu- movie settings- manual movie settings- ON. Now when you use live view and change ISO the image will lighten or darken depending on chosen value.

The same with exposure setting, but only up to 1/50sec. If you switch LV off a higher exposure than 1/50 can be used, but that value is cancelled if LV is used again and returns to 1/50 sec.  Switch off manual movie settings to go back.

Before using BYN or any capture software, i would for the purpose of frame and focus with bat mask, switch manual movie settings on, bump up

ISO so i can see an image on screen, frame and focus, then switch manual movie settings off,  change ISO to imaging value and set exposure to bulb where an intervalometer did the rest.

edit to say- just been trying manual movie setting ON when connected to BYN and i can get full ISO range on liveview, and without turning manual movie setting OFF, the capture plan works as expected.

Hope this helps


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