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Some files not transferred from BYTemp




Had a weird (weird to me since it hasn't happened before) thing happen with BYE last night.  Some files transferred to my PC in the BYE in their proper sub-folder but others did not.  I couldn't figure out the pattern.  In one image set I would get 4 files in the proper place and the other 6 were still left in Temp.  I'll send you a log file.

As you will see in the log, this is on a Win10 machine using modified T5i/700D, PHD2, & Stickstation.  I am running BYE (RC2) - Premium.

Also, is there an easy way to transfer the files from Temp?  I have files with names like "IMG_0002.CR2_exiftool_tmp" which I verified are the "missing" RAW files.  I have about 40-50 files there and I didn't want to sit here for an hour renaming manually (but I will).

Thanks, buddy!


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Will do.

Can you explain the purpose of the background worker process again?  I was under the impression that it was to allow for transfer and processing while simultaneously imaging so the precious imaging time is not lost.  Maybe I should have done like s3igell suggested and leave my laptop running after I put everything away.

Are the image files in BackyardTemp/Downloads supposed to transfer?  Just need to know if I need to manually rename or not.


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28 minutes ago, AaronSmall said:

Will do.

Can you explain the purpose of the background worker process again?  I was under the impression that it was to allow for transfer and processing while simultaneously imaging so the precious imaging time is not lost.  Maybe I should have done like s3igell suggested and leave my laptop running after I put everything away.

Are the image files in BackyardTemp/Downloads supposed to transfer?  Just need to know if I need to manually rename or not.


The background worker process is just a separate Windows process BYE creates to work on long running processes in the background; it ensures that it is running on a separate CPU core from the UI.   

Without the background worker process these long running processes are still running in the background and the UI should still be responsive, but no separate Windows level process (executable level) is created.

Most people have dual/quad core (and even 8 core) PC/Laptop nowadays and the need for the background worker process has lost it's need overtime because of this.  Windows is now very efficient at distributing the multi-threaded processes to available cores for processing.  I for one no longer uses the background worker thread and I may even remove it in future release.  It is now disabled by default.



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They didn't transfer.  I still have 53 images still in BackyardTemp/Downloads.  I even tried leaving BYE open (with and without the background worker) for a few minutes and nothing changed.

Do you need any other log files?  I have the ones from the background worker as well as the regular BYE log.

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If they have not transfered and BYE was shutdown, these files won't transfer the next time you start the app.

With the background worker disabled, do you get *new* files that aren't transfered?

Do you have the setting "Write Exif Data" enabled in advance settings?  If yes turn it off and see if this makes a difference.

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Guylain, I'll have to test it out to make sure (cloudy tonight and now I've caught a cold).  I'll let you know if something else pops up.

Skip Write Exif Data is not checked.  Only things checked are Processor Affinity, Skip Diskspace Check, and 10x zoom. 

I did copy the files over.  No harm done.  Cheers, gentlemen.

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Uncheck Processor Affinity, otherwise you're not taking advantage of all the CPU cores you have.

Check "Skip Write Exif Data".  I have a feeling this might be the culprit where exiftool still has a lock on the file preventing BYE to complete the copy and therefor the file stays in the temp folder.


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