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Cant Validate BYE Trial Version



hello, I have downloaded the trial version 3 times and it keeps giving me the error that I need an internet connection or the latest version of BYE. It's 1 minute old and I just downloaded so obviously I have in internet connection and it couldnt have been updated within the last 60 sec.  Any suggestions?  Thank you :)

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Your problem is not with the download, or even with the install. So it does not seem like repeating that process will change your issue.

The subject of your post references the BYE Trial Version. This is not accurate. Trial is the license type that has nothing to do with the version of the software that you are using. The version is numeric, like 3.1.16. Since the same version can have any of the 3 licenses installed there is no such thing as the "Trial Version".

It could be that your firewall or anti-virus software is preventing BYE from accessing the internet to validate the license. You should copy/past your license key from your My Purchases area on this web site into the validation dialog and enter your username (case-sensitive) into the Identifier field.

Finally, in case you do not already know, that when you are using the Trial license BYE requires a working internet connect to validate the license whenever the application is started. You can thank the people who tried to extend their trial license by setting their PC time back for forcing the authors to take this active measure to protect their intellectual property. The good news is that you can test much of BYE's functionality in the house at the kitchen table. Then before venturing out to a dark sky site with no internet connection, you can eliminate the need for a connection by purchasing and validating a Classic or Premium license.


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