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Plate Solving



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SLEW and CENTER are now implemented in BYE 3.2.0 pre-release and BYN 2.1.0 pre-release.

It uses ASTAP platesolver though, not PlateSolve2.  I choose ASTAP because it's the easiest to use IMO. No configuration, you just install it and that's it.  It's a local install so it does not require the internet and it's also reasonably fast at blind solving.


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i suggest you give Platesolve2 a try, it puts AstrotoTortila to shame (both are free but you'll likely have to try SGP for access to Platesove2)

But maybe you missed my point. Yes using Astrotortilla gives you platesolving for free...

In your workflow, you go to Astrotortilla and it  uses BYN. Then once centred, yu go to BYN.

I'm doing the same thing, it matters not which platesolver from this workflow.

It should be the other way around!

I should not have to leave BYN or use another interface. I'm asking Guylain t make it a part of the BYN code.

But we should not settle for Astrotortilla, we can have better :)

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Platesolve2 (PS2) and AstroTortilla (AT) are a bit different in how the interact with other software.

With AT it is AT that calls BYE (or other software) to acquire an image to plate solve.

With PS2 it is the BYE (or other application) that needs to call PS2 with some parameters to solve... similar to pinpoint and ansvr/astrometry.net.

I recently wrote a sky modeling tools for 10Micron mounts and I've implemented pinpoint in that application and I'm also working on adding PS2 and maybe astronometry.net too.  Once I get this working it would actually be relatively easy to implement a similar function in BYE/BYN since I would already have all the grunt work done.  Baby steps.


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Malcol said "In your workflow, you go to Astrotortilla and it  uses BYN. Then once centred, you go to BYN."

You are only partially correct. AstroTortilla uses BYE, if I am imaging with with my Canon DSLR, or it uses any of my ASCOM cameras (ZWO or QHY), or it uses my own custom camera capture program for a non-ASCOM (QSI) camera. It solves my images in as little as 7 seconds.

You have said that PlateSolve2 is better. How is it better? If it requires SGP which is not part of my workflow, I don't think that it is better. At least for me it isn't better.

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19 hours ago, admin said:

I've recently wrote a sky modeling tools for 10Micron mounts and I've implemented pinpoint in that application and I'm also working on adding PS2 and maybe astronometry.net too.  Once I get this working it would actually be relatively easy to implement a similar function in BYE/BYN since I would already have all the grunt work done.

This is Interesting News.

Platesolving - often integrated - has become a near-staple of AP Image Capture programs.

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