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Makes sense?



I am new to astrophotograpy. Taking my first frames, with my old Cannon 50D unmodified, refractor SW Esprit 120 ED amd BEOS to take the frames. Love it !!! Very easy to use for a beginner. My mount is an Atlas Pro. Follwing the light frames as BEOS download them I notice that a perfectly round star frame is followed by one with less rounded stars and again by a new frame with the stars well rounded. I am wondering if BEOS is taking pictures while the mount is making weird stops, or whatever. This makes any sense? If so, would make sense to add some delay between frames? Or could be something else? Thanks in advance (I apologize given that English is not my native language).


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4 answers to this question

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BYE is taking pictures according to your capture plan.  If your guiding is not perfect or if you have issues with tracking BYE will continue to take pictures.  Your issue seems to be with you mount, you need to figure out why it makes those stops.  Wind? Vibration from the ground?

Your english is just fine :)


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Thanks Guylain. I post this question also in C Nights. It seems it has to do with the mount.

This is the 3rd astrophoto session. This time, I look more closely to the individual frames.

Maybe this issue was there since the first session. However, in the second session, I was able to take 150 secs light frames

from the Sculptor Galaxy with round stars (see attached. it was processed in Star Tools that I am just learning:)).

I am very confortable with BYEOS from the first session. Congratulations for the great software.

Regards, Fernando



Sculptor Gxr JPEG.jpg

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On 10/15/2017 at 4:34 PM, Fernando said:

... my old Cannon 50D unmodified, refractor SW Esprit 120 ED ... My mount is an Atlas Pro.

Fernando, in the equipment that you listed above, you didn't mention an AutoGuider.  Yet, you are attempting - and successfully for many Exposures - to shoot long 150sec Exposures using an 840mm Focal Length.  If Unguided, that is rather impressive.

It shows that your Mount is rather well Tuned and well Polar Aligned, and the Scope is well-balanced.  But, to gain even more consistency - and Longer Exposures - you are going to need to add AutoGuiding to your AP Skills.  (BYE/BYN supports AutoGuiding via almost all of the popular Guiding Apps - PHD2 is the most popular of all.)

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18 minutes ago, s3igell said:

Fernando, in the equipment that you listed above, you didn't mention an AutoGuider.  Yet, you are attempting - and successfully for many Exposures - to shoot long 150sec Exposures using an 840mm Focal Length.  If Unguided, that is rather impressive.

It shows that your Mount is rather well Tuned and well Polar Aligned, and the Scope is well-balanced.  But, to gain even more consistency - and Longer Exposures - you are going to need to add AutoGuiding to your AP Skills.  (BYE/BYN supports AutoGuiding via almost all of the popular Guiding Apps - PHD2 is the most popular of all.)

Thanks for your kind comments. I have an Atlas Pro. I do polar align, at least twice, with Polemaster,  that I got a couple of

weeks ago. I do really know that I will have to PHD2 guide in a coming future. However, I have to get used to all the wires, computer, camera. I still have to figure out how to connect my laptop to the Atlas, to get rid of the hand control and use Stellarium do control the mount.

Regard, Fernando


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