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Can't get longer than 30 sec exposure



Still quite a noob, so please be patient. Last night - expanding my horizons here, seeing how well I could get my mount aligned -  I could not get exposures longer than 30 secs in imaging mode, using bulb with my Rebel xs  set on M. I would get this error:


2014-06-24 22:49:26,179 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,179 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraController.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.Extentions.CameraModelExtentions.TakePictureSdkBulb(CameraModel cameramodel, Boolean start, Single mirrorlockseconds)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.TakePictureBulb(Single durationseconds, Single mirrorlockseconds, String progresstext)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.<>c__DisplayClass3f.<CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved>b__3e()

2014-06-24 22:49:26,189 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Imaging session cancelled

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraController.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.Extentions.CameraModelExtentions.TakePictureSdkBulb(CameraModel cameramodel, Boolean start, Single mirrorlockseconds)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.TakePictureBulb(Single durationseconds, Single mirrorlockseconds, String progresstext)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.<>c__DisplayClass3f.<CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved>b__3e()


Hope somebody here can straighten me out.





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Classic Edition 3.0.3. I understand there's a newer/improved version, which I'll be purchasing today probably, as this is an excellent product, just want to find out if I have a camera/computer problem or something I need to solve first.

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   The file is too large to attach or to paste in in it's entirety, so I removed the first part of the Main INFO and most of the log after the error to meet the size requirements. Thank you for your help!


2014-06-24 22:49:23,926 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnCapture = 'Start Capture')

2014-06-24 22:49:23,996 [Main] INFO  - Imaging session started.

2014-06-24 22:49:24,216 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------

2014-06-24 22:49:24,216 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'ImageCaptureBusySessionPlan'

2014-06-24 22:49:24,216 [Main] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'ValidateCapturePlan'

2014-06-24 22:49:24,236 [Main] INFO  - CameraPropertyChangedArgs fired: ImageQuality         = 'IMAGE_RAW'

2014-06-24 22:49:24,387 [17] DEBUG - args.Duration (d) = 30

2014-06-24 22:49:24,397 [17] DEBUG - BackgroundThreadProcessor.IsSuspended = False

2014-06-24 22:49:24,507 [17] DEBUG - args.Duration (e) = 30

2014-06-24 22:49:24,517 [17] INFO  - Temp folder:     C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\BackyardTEMP

2014-06-24 22:49:24,517 [17] INFO  - Download folder: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Pictures\BackyardEOS

2014-06-24 22:49:24,527 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - args.Duration (f) = 30

2014-06-24 22:49:24,537 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(CameraRef, BatteryLevel(8), 0, size(4), intPtr)

2014-06-24 22:49:24,547 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsGetPropertyData(CameraRef, BatteryLevel(8), 0, size(4), intPtr)

2014-06-24 22:49:24,547 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - CameraPropertyChangedArgs fired: MirrorLock           = 'Off'

2014-06-24 22:49:24,567 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Unable to set Tv, current setting is assumed!

2014-06-24 22:49:24,567 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - CameraPropertyChangedArgs fired: Tv                   = '30"'

2014-06-24 22:49:24,597 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - TAKE PICUTRE ::: Shutter(MANUAL) Av(Not supported) Duration(30.0) Iso(1600) Quality(IMAGE_RAW) Mirror(0) SaveTo(PC)

2014-06-24 22:49:24,597 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - BackgroundThreadProcessor.BulbSecondsRemaining = 30

2014-06-24 22:49:25,608 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:25,689 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - Device Busy trying to start BULB sequence

2014-06-24 22:49:25,939 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - BackgroundThreadProcessor.BulbSecondsRemaining = 0

2014-06-24 22:49:26,179 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,179 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraController.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.Extentions.CameraModelExtentions.TakePictureSdkBulb(CameraModel cameramodel, Boolean start, Single mirrorlockseconds)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.TakePictureBulb(Single durationseconds, Single mirrorlockseconds, String progresstext)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.<>c__DisplayClass3f.<CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved>b__3e()

2014-06-24 22:49:26,189 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Imaging session cancelled

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR - ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)

2014-06-24 22:49:26,199 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraController.RunAndThrow(Func`1 function, String info)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.Extentions.CameraModelExtentions.TakePictureSdkBulb(CameraModel cameramodel, Boolean start, Single mirrorlockseconds)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.TakePictureBulb(Single durationseconds, Single mirrorlockseconds, String progresstext)

   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Canon.CameraModel.<>c__DisplayClass3f.<CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved>b__3e()

2014-06-24 22:49:26,249 [Main] DEBUG - BackgroundThreadProcessor.IsSuspended = False

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   The file is too large to attach or to paste in in it's entirety, so I removed the first part of the Main INFO and most of the log after the error to meet the size requirements. Thank you for your help!


Thanks for the log.


The error you got is...


ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(CameraRef, 2, 0)


Which means the start BULB command was sent properly to the camera but the camera threw an EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR.  This is a generic error throw by the Canon SDK so I don't have anymore to provide in terms of why the camera was not able to start the BULB sequence... but BYE did send the command.


Was this a one time error?



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No, I tried it repeatedly, trying some different settings, but nothing seemed to work. Other than this, everything's rosy. I'll review the manual, make sure I haven't done something stupid, maybe buy the updgraded version, and do some backyard experimenting tonight. Thank for your help!



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No, I tried it repeatedly, trying some different settings, but nothing seemed to work. Other than this, everything's rosy. I'll review the manual, make sure I haven't done something stupid, maybe buy the updgraded version, and do some backyard experimenting tonight. Thank for your help!




How long is your usb cable?


Do you have a USB hub where multiple devices are connected to.



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If you are able to capture Shorter Exposures, but NOT Bulb Exposures over 30sec, then the problem is not likely a USB Cable (more and more frequent data transferred for Short Exposures).  You have performed shorter exposures while connected with BYE, correct ??

Have you stated which Canon Model you are using ?? Are you also using CHDK or MagicLantern ??

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My usb cable is short - about 3 feet. Too short, actually. And I'm not using CHDK or Magiclantern, didn't even know what they were 'till I looked them up just now. Didn't go out last night, but I'll be experimenting over the weekend and if I learn anything I'll post again.


Thank you all for your help!



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My usb cable is short - about 3 feet. Too short, actually. And I'm not using CHDK or Magiclantern, didn't even know what they were 'till I looked them up just now. Didn't go out last night, but I'll be experimenting over the weekend and if I learn anything I'll post again.


Thank you all for your help!




Try on another computer just to rule it out.



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And remember that there is no need to wait until you are out at your Dark Site...


All you need is to hook your DSLR to your PC, fire up BYEOS, and try some test shots...


If you wish to truly approximate your Scope (ie. no lens present) scenario, put the Body Cap on the Camera.


Then, you can test where you have full Internet access...  AND don't waste any precious Dark Skies...

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This thread is several years old and from reading it, was never resolved because the original poster stopped replying. It was likely user error and not a bug for the authors to fix.

Please start a new thread in the BYE forum and in your description please be sure to include the version of BYE that you are using (use the full version number like 3.1.18), your camera model, and the steps to try to cause the error.


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1 minute ago, astroman133 said:

This thread is several years old and from reading it, was never resolved because the original poster stopped replying. It was likely user error and not a bug for the authors to fix.

Please start a new thread in the BYE forum and in your description please be sure to include the version of BYE that you are using (use the full version number like 3.1.18), your camera model, and the steps to try to cause the error.


Thank you.

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