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D5100 connects and then drops connection




I would get errors like this once in a while.  I simply reboot the laptop and it goes away.  Tonight nothing worked to fix the problem.

As you can see it connects, it works for a while, looses connection and BYN hangs up.   When this happens it sometimes takes out ZWO ASI120MM and PHD2 can't recognize ZWO camera as well.

23:09:35  Processor Affinity
23:10:15  Attempting to connect camera...
23:10:15  Nikon2015/D5100 drivers initialized.
23:10:19  D5100 CONNECTED!
23:12:47  NIKON SDK ERROR: [kNkMAIDResult_CameraNotFound] (kNkMAIDCommand_Async, 0, kNkMAIDDataType_Null, 0)
23:12:47  Camera SHUTDOWN!
23:13:46  NIKON SDK ERROR: [kNkMAIDResult_CameraNotFound] (kNkMAIDCommand_Async, 0, kNkMAIDDataType_Null, 0)
23:13:48  NIKON SDK ERROR: [kNkMAIDResult_DuringUpdate] (kNkMAIDCommand_Open, 1, kNkMAIDDataType_ObjectPtr, 344695232)
23:13:48  NIKON SDK ERROR: [kNkMAIDResult_DuringUpdate] (kNkMAIDCommand_Open, 1, kNkMAIDDataType_ObjectPtr, 344820748)
23:13:48  NIKON SDK ERROR: [kNkMAIDResult_SessionFailure] (kNkMAIDCommand_Open, 1, kNkMAIDDataType_ObjectPtr, 344910836)

I have a Keyspan USB to Serial adapter, Nikon UC-E6 USB cable, TEMPerHUM and ZWO ASI120MM camera connected to a 4-port USB hub which connects to my laptop.   I have DSUSB connected directly to another USB port.  I am running BYN, PHD2 and Cartes du ciel.  My laptop is running Win 7 home.  Most of the time this setup works perfectly.  



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For testing purposes, remove the TemperHUM from the list of connected devices.  There were several issues with that Device and BYE - some code-related and some device-related.  Let us know if this removal changes the behavior that you experience.

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In general, the ASI120MM is a very intensive USB2 Data Device.  It can nearly saturate a USB2 Hub all by itself.  AND, it's Bus-powered design can consume almost all the Power provided from a USB Hub Device - especially a Laptop chip derived one.

So, keeping this in mind, you might want to ensure your Connections are arranged such as:  Powered USB2 Hub with ASI120MM plus low-power/low-data devices - Keyspan and DSUSB and possibly TemperHUM;  NIKON D5100 connected directly to a DIFFERENT Laptop USB2 Port (preferably on opposite side of Laptop - many Laptop Motherboards have any USB Ports on same side actually connected to a single internal Hub).

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18 hours ago, astroman133 said:

According to Nikon (it should be in the manual), the preferred connection for the camera is directly to the PC, not through a hub.

Most all Device Manufacturers provide this advice - because it reduces the number of "unknown devices" which can be introduced that might negatively impact the User Experience of their Product. AND because they are NOT going to be held responsible for managing the interactions possible when their DSLR is used in "Real-World Configurations" in conjunction with Other Devices.

Heck it's the same advice and same rationale that Guylain follows for BYE/BYN.

But, for practical purposes:  This is not often the easiest advice to follow given the Usage which is required for AP Imaging (other USB2 connected devices: Guide Camera, Mount, DSUSB, etc).  So, some experimentation with Connection Order and Connection Arrangements is often required.

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I think it was a combination of my poor wire management and an overloaded USB hub.  I managed to loose connection again last night due to the USB wires wrapping around the mount when it slewed across the sky.  I also have a new USB 3.0 hub and plugged the  UC-E6 cable directly into the laptop.  I think this should clear up the problem.  Thanks for all the great help! 

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