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Unable to set SaveTo=CARD



Just a new buyer of 3.1.11 Premium.  I am using a Canon 60D. 

I find that if I set to save images to PC+Camera, they save to the camera and the PC.  However, if I set to just Camera, I get a message in the log Unable to set SaveTo=CARD and the previous setting is used, either PC or PC+Camera.

I searched the forum for old messages and found some confusing messages from 2014 referring to a difference between classic and Premium, but no help that I can see.

I am running on a fully updated Windows 10 computer.

Is it just not possible to save to the camera only with the 60D, or is there something I need to do.

Fred Klein

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:)Thanks so much for the pre-release of 3.1.12.RC8!!!

It works great.  When set to just download to the Canon 60D camera as RAW, a series of fractional second images can be taken with an interval of about 1.5 seconds per image.  This is quite acceptable for the eclipse images at 2nd and 3rd contact.

I'm so happy that I bought BYE.

Fred Klein

p.s., While not related to the eclipse where I will be using a telescope, I have also started to use BYE with a camera lens for deep space photos and really like the focusing help and ability to adjust the focus of the lens from the program.

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I guess OP means original poster, being me.

When I said "When set to just download to the Canon 60D camera as RAW" that meant that that the image was saved to the memory card which was the original problem.  Yes, it is fixed.

Fred Klein

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I just installed the EOS Utility and updated it.  It appears that this will not allow the PC control to shoot with storage to the camera only.  However in advanced settings, if you shoot RAW and jpg, it can be set to download the jpg only.  A little quicker download.

Fred Klein

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3 minutes ago, ffk said:

I just installed the EOS Utility and updated it.  It appears that this will not allow the PC control to shoot with storage to the camera only.  However in advanced settings, if you shoot RAW and jpg, it can be set to download the jpg only.  A little quicker download.

Fred Klein

So, with the EOS Utility, does the RAW go to the memory card and the JPG is downloaded to the PC?

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Thanks for clearing that up. It seems like weird behavior, for sure.

I have a friend with a 60Da. He has been rehearsing for the eclipse and is able to save RAW images only to the camera's memory card, while being controlled from a PC. The control app that he is using, however, is not BYE but does use the Canon SDK as BYE does.

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10 minutes ago, astroman133 said:

Thanks for clearing that up. It seems like weird behavior, for sure.

I have a friend with a 60Da. He has been rehearsing for the eclipse and is able to save RAW images only to the camera's memory card, while being controlled from a PC. The control app that he is using, however, is not BYE but does use the Canon SDK as BYE does.

Then it it could be bug in BYE.  Is this APT?

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I am preparing for the eclipse and would like to be able to establish a sequence of images, thus getting BYE.  However, using the Canon 60D I have not been able to take pictures of < 1 sec exposure faster than about one every 5-7 seconds with BYE.  

Exploring with the EOS utility, when the camera is set to RAW+jpg, there is a Preferences (just below the MF selection) that allows under the Remote Shooting tab to select "Save also on the camera's memory card" and below that "In RAW+JPEG mode, only transfer JPEGs to computer".  When this is set, I can click the shutter at least once a second and the camera will keep up.

But I cannot set a sequence of exposures 

It would be great to be able to do this with BYE.

Fred Klein


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Guylain is researching what might be preventing you from saving your images to the memory card. I have a different camera (T5i) and saving raw images to just the memory card works just fine. I have a friend with a 60Da who is able to save only to the memory card, as well, but with a different control program.

If you would like to suggest an enhancement to shoot RAW+JPG and save the RAW to the memory card and download the JPG, you should create a new thread in the Feature Suggestion Box forum, although a new feature like this might not be incorporated into BYE and released in time for you to use to shoot the eclipse.

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