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Which version for newbie?



Hi all,

I am brand new to astrophotography and am really keen to try out BYN. I had a false start a couple of years ago and only ever used this program a couple of times. I am at the point where I would like to get a bit of feedback from anyone as to which version I should look to, i.e. classic vs premium? Are there any features in the premium which a newbie should have access to over the classic?

I look forward to any feedback.

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6 answers to this question

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First...be sure that BYN supports your camera...and that you have the proper cabling. Some cameras require a second cable for full functionality. The second cable controls the shutter for BULB exposures and the first cable is for all other control. The BYN Camera Support Grid provides details.

You can get the Classic version now and upgrade to the Premium  version later. You just pay the price difference, and install the new license key to enable the full functionality.

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Thanks astroman133, knowing there is an "upgrade" path is a huge help. My D5200 is compatible as I have tried the app in the past and it seemed to work, but I ended up getting busy with life and the interest was shelved.


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BTW, from the Compare Editions tab on the BYN product page in the store, here are the features that you gain by upgrading to Premium from Classic:

Dual camera control 
Drag & drop image viewer 
Mark captured image quality 
Load/Save image capture plan 
Load/Save image capture plan while camera is disconnected 
Create TIFF image file (in addition to the RAW image file) 
Histogram Screen Stretch 
Mouse pointer spot histogram 
Half Flux Diameter focus feedback 
Bahtinov spikes focus feedback 
Complex Reticle for drift alignment
AstroTortilla integration for plate solving 
ASCOM Focuser control 
ASCOM Filter Wheel control 
ASCOM Telescope 'nudge' control 
Ambient weather center logging

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Thanks guys, I think I'll go ahead and start with the classic version for now and upgrade later. I did have a look at the comparison but thought I would ask here and see if there was something a newbie "should" consider in the premium that I wouldn't have access to in the Classic. I'll only be using the camera... no telescope or anything like that, so it seems logical to choose the lesser number of features, though the idea of capture plans whets my appetite somewhat LOL

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If you are not using a telescope then many of the Premium features will not be useful. Some, however may be useful. These come to mind:

Drag & drop image viewer - lets you view images even with no camera connected.
Mark captured image quality - lets you mark an image so you won't use it later, while you are imaging
Load/Save image capture plan - load and save capture plans on the Imaging screen
Load/Save image capture plan while camera is disconnected - load, edit, save capture plans when no camera is connected (on the Preview screen).
Create TIFF image file (in addition to the RAW image file) - useful if your processing software cannot use Canon RAW images directly and compressed JPG images are not useful (like ever).

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