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BYEOS only Raw when selecting Raw+jpg



I recently purchased a Canon 80D, before with my 70D I was able to capture both Raw and JPG but now even though I set BYEOS to be raw&jpg it only saves the raw files.  I looked at an older thread about this but didn't see it ever being resolved.  How do I get it to save both raw&jpg?

One thing I am going to try right now is from the older thread - setting to save to PC & Camera and see if that works.  I have a 128 gig card in the 80D

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Guylain is the expert, but from the log file fragment it appears to me as though BYE thinks that it has successfully downloaded both the RAW and JPG and successfully processed both files.

2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - move: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  -   to: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - Try move C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - moved to C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.CR2

2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - move: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.JPG
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  -   to: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.jpg
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - Try move C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.JPG
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - moved to C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.jpg

The .JPG file extension is a "known" extension for Windows, but it is likely that the .CR2 extension is not. Depending on your file and folder display options Windows may be set to hide extensions for known file types. This would cause the JPG image to be displayed in Windows Explorer without the extension.

Another possibility is that your anti-virus software is preventing the copying of the JPG file, but not signaling any error.


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27 minutes ago, jeffpadell said:

downloaded 3.1.12 still only CR2 when choosing Raw&jpg,,  If I use save to PC & Camera I get both Raw and JPG on the PC as well as the camera


Here are my log files




<< licence key file deleted >>


Really, you posted your full BackyardEOS key in a file and posted here on the forum!!!

I have canceled and banned people for life for doing this in the past.  This is commercial software and your software key is your private data for your eyes only!!!

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15 minutes ago, astroman133 said:


Guylain is the expert, but from the log file fragment it appears to me as though BYE thinks that it has successfully downloaded both the RAW and JPG and successfully processed both files.

2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - move: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  -   to: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - Try move C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.CR2
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - moved to C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.CR2

2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - move: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.JPG
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  -   to: C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.jpg
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - Try move C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardTEMP\Download\IMG_0396.JPG
2017-06-09 08:51:33,851 [MoveFile(Normal)] INFO  - moved to C:\Users\Dad\Pictures\BackyardEOS\LIGHT_1s_100iso_f22_+81f_20170609-08h51m23s741ms.jpg

The .JPG file extension is a "known" extension for Windows, but it is likely that the .CR2 extension is not. Depending on your file and folder display options Windows may be set to hide extensions for known file types. This would cause the JPG image to be displayed in Windows Explorer without the extension.

Another possibility is that your anti-virus software is preventing the copying of the JPG file, but not signaling any error.


Rick is correct.  Files ARE being downloaded and moved in your download folder.  If you don't see them as JPG it is likely that you have Windows set to hide extensions of known file types... but they are downloaded according the the log file.


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Actually there is an internal camera error in the log file and I have no clue why the camera errors out on the second download, it does not provide anymore info that that :(


2017-06-09 08:43:02,766 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] DEBUG - TAKE PICTURE ::: Shutter(BULB) Cable(CameraUSB) Av(f/22) Duration(1.0) Iso(100) Quality(IMAGE_RLF+) Mirror(0) SaveTo(PC)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,782 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(cameraRef, 4, 65539)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,907 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(cameraRef, 4, 65539)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - StateEvent_JobStatusChanged Fired! (inParameter=1) (inContext=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [Main] DEBUG - ObjectEvent_VolumeInfoChanged: (inRef=387743768)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - Items waiting to be transfered...
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - StateEvent_BulbExposureTime Fired! (inParameter=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:03,953 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=4)
2017-06-09 08:43:04,985 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Running (throw): EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(cameraRef, 4, 0)
2017-06-09 08:43:04,985 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=4)
2017-06-09 08:43:04,985 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=7)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,063 [CameraTakePictureOnMessageRecieved] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsSendCommand(cameraRef, 4, 0)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,063 [OnStateEventHandler] INFO  - Bulb END at 1 seconds
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=4)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=7)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=1)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=2)
2017-06-09 08:43:05,188 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=4)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,001 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=1)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,001 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=2)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,001 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=4)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,407 [Main] DEBUG - ObjectEvent_VolumeInfoChanged: (inRef=387743768)


Here the camera has provided 2 image refeence to download,  203389744 and 203389040

2017-06-09 08:43:06,407 [Main] DEBUG - ObjectEvent_DirItemRequestTransfer: (inRef=203389744)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,610 [Main] DEBUG - ObjectEvent_VolumeInfoChanged: (inRef=387743768)
2017-06-09 08:43:06,610 [Main] DEBUG - ObjectEvent_DirItemRequestTransfer: (inRef=203389040)
2017-06-09 08:43:07,220 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - OnStateEventHandler Fired! (inEvent=795), inParameter=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:08,626 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(inDirItemRef, out dirItemInfo)
2017-06-09 08:43:08,642 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(inDirItemRef, out dirItemInfo)
2017-06-09 08:43:08,642 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsCreateFileStream(dirItemInfo.szFileName, EDSDK.EdsFileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, EDSDK.EdsAccess.ReadWrite, out stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:08,657 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsCreateFileStream(dirItemInfo.szFileName, EDSDK.EdsFileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, EDSDK.EdsAccess.ReadWrite, out stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:08,657 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsDownload(imgRef, dirItemInfo.Size, stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,673 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsDownload(imgRef, dirItemInfo.Size, stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,673 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsRelease(stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,704 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsRelease(stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,704 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsDownloadComplete(imgRef)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,720 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsDownloadComplete(imgRef)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,720 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389744)] INFO  - Flush Running: (203389744)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,751 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - StateEvent_JobStatusChanged Fired! (inParameter=0) (inContext=0)
2017-06-09 08:43:09,751 [OnStateEventHandler] DEBUG - Items transfered!
2017-06-09 08:43:11,954 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(inDirItemRef, out dirItemInfo)
2017-06-09 08:43:11,970 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsGetDirectoryItemInfo(inDirItemRef, out dirItemInfo)
2017-06-09 08:43:11,970 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsCreateFileStream(dirItemInfo.szFileName, EDSDK.EdsFileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, EDSDK.EdsAccess.ReadWrite, out stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:11,986 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsCreateFileStream(dirItemInfo.szFileName, EDSDK.EdsFileCreateDisposition.CreateAlways, EDSDK.EdsAccess.ReadWrite, out stream)
2017-06-09 08:43:11,986 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsDownload(imgRef, dirItemInfo.Size, stream)


Here the camera errors out when the second image is being downloaded.

2017-06-09 08:43:12,001 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - WARNING EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsDownload(imgRef, dirItemInfo.Size, stream) 
2017-06-09 08:43:12,001 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Running (log): EDSDK.EdsDownloadCancel(imgRef)
2017-06-09 08:43:12,017 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Success: EDSDK.EdsDownloadCancel(imgRef)
2017-06-09 08:43:12,017 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - Flush Running: (203389744 203389040)


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31 minutes ago, admin said:

Really, you posted your full BackyardEOS key in a file and posted here on the forum!!!

I have canceled and banned people for life for doing this in the past.  This is commercial software and your software key is your private data for your eyes only!!!

I am very sorry I was trying to help my sending what I thought were the log files that have been requested in other threads to help you out.  I am very concerned about security and proper use of the software, I even had my son buy a copy of it as I wouldn't share it with him and we might be using is sometimes at the same time.

Once again I hope I didn't cause any problems.

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29 minutes ago, admin said:

Rick is correct.  Files ARE being downloaded and moved in your download folder.  If you don't see them as JPG it is likely that you have Windows set to hide extensions of known file types... but they are downloaded according the the log file.


I am not used to Win10, how do I set it to not hide file extensions?


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I would like to do the "save to PC and Camera" and then send you the log file. But am concerned about which file to send as I don't want to make the same mistake again with the key.

I was thinking that since both the RAW and JPG are downloaded to the PC when saving to both it may show something.

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1 hour ago, jeffpadell said:

I would like to do the "save to PC and Camera" and then send you the log file. But am concerned about which file to send as I don't want to make the same mistake again with the key.

I was thinking that since both the RAW and JPG are downloaded to the PC when saving to both it may show something.

Keys are not included in any log files and so no worries there.

In you post earlier you had explicitly included a Word document and that document contained your license key.

As per the other response, the actual camera is throwing an error trying to download both images. 

2017-06-09 08:43:12,001 [OnDirItemRequestTransfer(203389040)] INFO  - WARNING EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR : EDSDK.EdsDownload(imgRef, dirItemInfo.Size, stream) 


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When using my DSLR for deep sky astrophotography I have never found the separate JPG files to be useful. BYE and whatever processing apps that I use can deal with the RAW files and convert them to FITS. I then review the individual FITS files after de-Bayering and calibration during the alignment step. I can remove the occasional bad image at that time. So viewing JPG files of individual subs is never necessary.

That does not mean that Guylain should not address your issue, just that it may not be a show-stopper.

If you shoot JPG to only be downloaded to the computer, do you get the files on your PC?

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Thank you Guylain for understanding an old fart who makes mistakes.  I do like BYE in fact rather than buy a APS-C ASI1600 I am using BYE and my Canon 80D



    If I shoot straight jpgs it works fine. also with the 80D the jpgs are about 3-4 megabytes, as I am just learning DSO photography I even like the results from jpg's. I am going to see if the camera control, i.e. setting the 80D to raw&jpg makes a difference.  And you are correct I can just shoot cr2's and process them in photoshop.

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The reason that the JPGs are smaller is that they are compressed. That means that some the original data in the images has been removed to accomplish the size reduction. There is no way to get that lost data back. With the capacity of today's hard drives the larger size of the RAW images is inconsequential!

Not only Photoshop, but ImagesPlus, CCDStack, Nebulosity, MaximDL, and PixInsight can process Canon RAW files. There are undoubtedly others. in addition those apps that are geared for astrophotography can also do image calibration, alignment, and stacking as part of their standard processing. Performing those steps in a repeatable and reliable manner is necessary for AP.

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4 hours ago, jeffpadell said:

I am not used to Win10, how do I set it to not hide file extensions?


  1. Open File Explorer and "Explore" your Pictures Folder.
  2. Select the View Tab in order to show the "View Ribbon"
  3. Toward the Right on the Ribbon, there is a column of Check-boxes including "File Name Extensions" - Check It.
  4. You should start seeing File Extensions in the "Name Column"
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Set the camera to JPG connected BYE and it changed the camera setup to raw&jpg and left it there after I closed BYE.


So I guess for now I can either shoot all raw and then take the extra step in processing to make jpgs or tiffs to check them quickly or save to my camera as well as PC which then gives both raw&jpg

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Please upgrade the BYE 3.1.16 and try to re-create your error...At the very least, report which version of  BYE you are using when you get the error. This is such basic information yet most people fail to include it.

As a workaround, you could use the Snap Image functionality on the Frame & Focus page, since it only downloads JPG images. Of course this means that you will need to select the "Save Snap Images" option on the Settings page.

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13 hours ago, astroman133 said:

As a workaround, you could use the Snap Image functionality on the Frame & Focus page, since it only downloads JPG images. Of course this means that you will need to select the "Save Snap Images" option on the Settings page.

Thank you. Nice workaround

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I tried to duplicate your issue with my T5i. I used both BYE 3.1.14 and 3.1.16. I tried with both the Canon and Canon215 SDKs. I was not able to duplicate what you are reporting. I got both CR2 and JPG each time.

There do not appear to be any obvious errors in the log file. This will take Guylain's eagle eye.

To JeffPadell...vtorkalo's error may be model specific. I would make sure that you are using version 3.1.16 and try saving RAW+JPG to the PC. Please report your results along with your camera model back here.

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