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5x and 10x video



I have been using my Canon T6i with Backyard EOS and it's been working fine. I need to do 5x and even 10x video recording when doing planetary video. The 5x and 10x zoom feature has been working fine, but I'm not sure the last update of my computer has anything to do with my issue, because now the 5x button does not work and it freezes the program for about 15 seconds then comes back to normal. Some times it works and then the 10x button appears, but more times it doesn't work at all. I am using WIndows 10 with the latest update issued. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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I found the post that Jim was referring to. Here is the relevant bit:

... there are three AF modes during Live View - Face+Tracking, Flexizone-Multi, and Flexizone-Single.   Zoom is not available in Face+Tracking and I think it's the default mode.  Once I switched to FZ-Multi, zooming worked. 

He also said that this is documented in the camera manual.

If you can get it to work in the EOS Utility, it is very likely that it will work in BYE. Also, for Guylain, if EOS Utility can determine that 5X zoom is not possible, then BYE should also be able to determine this and gray out the 5X button or display a pop-up dialog with a suggestion to change the LiveView focus mode.

I hope this helps Astrofrankie.

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Odd, since it was working before and since you are running the same version of BYE, before and after, it has to be related you something that changed on you PC, but what?

As a rule of thumb you should forget about 10x, it is low resolution.  You are better to use 5x and stack that.... then after stacking enlarge the image by 100% and you'll get the same image dimension as it you were using 10x... but you processed and stacked images taken with 5x and this gives you the best quality at capture time.

Send me the log files and I'll take a look, maybe there is something logged that could explain the time difference you are now getting.


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I have a new evelopment. It seems that if I push the camera's live view zoom button to 5x (and that viewed image shows in the program display) after the 15 second Lock up, the 10x button appears every time. There seems to be a communications issue with the update of the PC ?? Your sugestion of using only 5x makes sense. I stack my frames with Registax. How do I enlarge teh image by 100%.

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Are you controlling the camera using the camera's controls and menus? or with BYE?

If you are using BYE then you should be using BYE's 5X button to zoom, not the button on the camera.

If you are in Planetary mode and select 5X, you may see a 10X button appear. If so, it is because you have selected the "Allow 10X zoom" option in the advanced settings. If you de-select that option the 10X button will no longer appear when you go to 5X zoom.

To show the image at 100%,  you need to click on the larger 4-headed arrow button in the Zoom area just above the displayed image and to the right. This is described in the Image Zoom section of the User Manual.

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I am trying to control the camera with BYE. The 5x button on BYE program is the issue. It locks up the software for 15 seconds or so, then it clears. It does not work. And yes, I have 10x option selected in the settings. The only way it will work, is if I press the 5x zoom on the ccamera, then pressing the 5x button on the BYE program allows the 10x zoom button to appear.

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Try this...

Go into Frame&Focus and wait a few seconds for a live view frames to start streaming, then wait at least 3 to 5 seconds after live view start streaming and then click 5x zoom.... do you still get the same behavior?


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Yes. Same results. After clicking the 5x button, the program locks up for 15-16 seconds then resumes, but I get no 5x zoomed picture. As I said, the only thing that does work, is if I put the camera's live view display in 5x using the camera's zoom button, then clicking on the 5x button in BYE after the 15-16 seconds lock up, the 10x button appears and I can then do 10x recording in BYE. It works this way all the time. Must be an issue with my computer. I even downloaded a previous version of BYE and get the same results. I'll use it this way. Thanks for all your help.



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It is more likely to be your camera than your PC hardware

Follow these instructions submitting a log file to GUYLAIN --> https://www.otelescope.com/forums/topic/893-how-to-submit-log-files-for-troubleshooting-an-issue/

You should send only files from the date when you had the issue (you should not send ALL the log files). If you are not sure which date to send then delete all the logs, re-create your issue, and then send the logs.

Did you try the Canon EOS Utility app? If it has the same behavior then it means that BYE is not the culprit. If it works as expected then it points at a problem with BYE.

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Attached is the log file that was just made as I did a quick session just to show nly  the iisue. My sequence was:

Camera connect, clicked on Planetary, clicked on the 5x button (after 15 seconds, nothing changed), set the Live view on my camera to 5x, clicked the 5x button on the BYE program again, after 15 seconds, the 10x button appeared. Then I clicked tohe 10x button got a 10x display, clicked the 5x button again to hide the 10x button, clicked one final time on the 5x button and same no response after the 15 seconds.

The EOS Utility does not support 5x video (the button is greyed out) for the T6i, it is only for the T6s. I read that in a book and comfimed it with my set up.


Thank you



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It the EOS Utility does not support 5X Zoom then BYE should not either since they both use the Canon SDK to control the camera. Indeed your log file reports

2017-05-24 13:53:05,447 [Main] INFO  - CameraPropertyChangedArgs fired: LiveviewZoom         = 'Not supported'

The problem is that despite the "Not supported" value, BYE is allowing you to select 5X zoom in the user interface.

There is no telling why Canon chose to not support LiveView zoom for your model. AFAIK, that is a first. Bummer!

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I had a similar problem (as did others) with my 7D mk ii, unfortunately I'm sat in a hotel restaurant at the moment so can't check the camera, but the problem was to do with the focusing selection on the camera that prevented 5x zoom from activating via the SDK, a search of the forum for 7D mk ii may find the original post.


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Oh my, that works! I changed to Flexone and the 5x and 10x button come right up. for the EOS Utility, the 5x and 10x buttons are also there, but the actual record button dissapears when you click the 5x button. Not sure if the screen just enlarges hiding it or not, I'll have to check. At any rate, I'm more interested in BYE beig able to do it. Thank you so much!!! :):)

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13 minutes ago, astroman133 said:

Weird, my suggestion about changing the LiveView focus mode in the camera, based on Jim's recalling an old post that helped him, disappeared! It was posted for a while because Astrofrankie said that my suggestion worked for him.

It did not, I marked it as solved.

Sadly the new forum moves that answer to the top when marked as solved.  I have not found a way to keep it in line as well.

Scroll to the top and your answer is there.


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