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Can not connect



I just purchased this product yesterday and today my usb mini 8 pin cable arrived and it will not let me connect keeps saying camera not found after  clicking the d5000 box. All i get is attempting to connect camera then Nikon 2015 drivers initialized then camera not found and yes i have done all the pop up screen says to try with the same results.




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I would suggest that you install the kernel-level driver for your camera from the CD that came with the camera or from the Nikon support site.


If Windows does not recognize the camera and load the driver when you connect the camera to the PC and power it on, then there is no way that BYN will be able to connect.

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I'm sorry what more were you expecting?


The vast majority of folks do not have an issue getting connected. When they do it is some other issue like cabling, drivers, or Windows security.


You have not provided much information about your setup for us to give you targeted advice. Also, this is a community-supported group. I am a customer and user of BYE/BYN as you are and I have been using it for almost 5 years. I volunteer here to help people understand the capabilities of this software and how to best use it. Most are appreciative and with a bit of patience you will get the help to get past your issue.

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If this is the best support this product has i am regretting wasting my 50.00


I understand your frustration but there are 100’s of users using the same camera with great success so it does work; this is why we have a free 30-day trial to iron things out first. Please be courteous when asking for help we really want to help you and get you going.
In your previous post, you confirmed Windows is not seeing your camera.  You need to resolve this first and this is something between Windows and Nikon drivers… only then can BYN establish a connection.
Are you sure your cable is not faulty?  
What version of Windows are you using? 
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First you are 150% correct so the first thing i would like to do is apologize for my shortness in a previous message their was no need for it. Windows 7 64bit and i can not get any computer in my house to see my camera.And i would hate if it is my usb cord especially since it was a bit expensive but i did notice when i plug it in the led on my camera does light up so not sure.   

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while the d5000 is not listed in the manual it says something about if using certain cameras you need to turn on  windows 32 vista sp pack would that make any difference and exactly what type of usb cable should i be using as i am attempting with a usb to mini b 8 pin which was what i googled was needed to tether this model camera. Oh also when i did initial attempt to connect i must of checked box to remember camera so can only try to connect with the 2015 or older which i figured would be the case being when i bought the camera how do i uncheck that box if it is at all possible. Also did load the only disc i could fine for the camera results still the same.

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According to the Supported Cameras table here --> https://www.otelescope.com/index.php?/home/&page=byn

you should be just fine with Windows 7 64-bit.


Start BYN. Select Settings and then Advanced Settings. Check "Ask for camera drivers", save the changes and restart BYN. Then BYN will once again display the Drivers selection screen during connection. I would suggest leaving it this way until you are sure that your setup is working.


I am not a Nikon user, but I believe that the D5000 has WiFi support. It is possible that this must be disabled via the camera's menu system in order to support USB tethering. If this does not fix your issue then more troubleshooting is necessary.


The problem at this point could be due to either a faulty camera or a faulty cable.


To eliminate the camera you would need to swap with a camera that is known to work with BYN when tethered.

To eliminate the cable you would need to swap with the cable with a cable that is proven.


If neither of these are practical, I would suggest contacting the supplier of the cable and arranging to return the cable for a replacement.


One final option is to take your camera and PC to the local camera shop (perhaps where you bought the camera) and ask them for help. They may have additional cameras and cables that you can use for testing.

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No need to run in vista compatibility mode with the D5000, that is for older models.


If the light goes up on the camera when you connect it with your new cord then it seems the cord has some contact.  This is good.


The the D5000 came with a CD?  Since the D5000 is a model that dates a few years back it is possible that Windows may not have the built-in drivers for this model.  The drivers may be on the CD.  


Also, please make sure you have the Microsoft C++ VS2010 and VS2012 redistributable x86 version installed 



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While i thank you for all the suggestions none of them worked so going to get a different cable and see if that fixes the issues other wise i will just have to get refund and oh one last question would a canon eos rebel t6 work with backyard eos as i looked and didnt see one but to be honest don't know thing 1 about canon.always had nikon.

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As a Canon user I often forget about the issue with Nikon cameras not connecting with BYN when they contain a memory card with lots of images. It is not that they actually won't connect. It is just that they can take several minutes to connect because the Nikon SDK takes all that time to generate a list of the images. This process is not something that BYN can control or skip. The solution is to use an empty memory card or remove the memory card when using the camera with BYN.


That said, I don't think that this is your problem, since Windows is not seeing the camera.


Another note is that BYN and BYE are 2 separate products and your BYN license will not transfer to BYE, so you would have to purchase BYE if you bought a T6.

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It appears to be either the cable or camera either way i can not get it to work, so with that being said it appears i am out 50 dollars at least according to O'Telescope. And since the cable recommended by Nikon appears from doing many searches only available in lengths up to 5 feet it seems it is now time to decided if i should get a Canon body or look for a ccd style camera. With that being said thanks to all who offered any advice it was greatly appreciated. 

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