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External command to suspend session !




I wanted to ask if there is a way to send a command from the outside of the program to suspend

or teminarel the photo session in progress such as from a weather station alarm in case of cloudy sky.

Best Regards.

I wanted to ask if there is a way to send a command from the outside of the program to suspend or teminarel the photo session in progress such as from a weather station alarm in case of cloudy sky.

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There actually 2 PHD APIs which support dithering. The original API that was used by version 1 of PHD is still supported, as well as a new API for PHD2. The new API (PHD2) allows an external program to monitor for loss of guide star, in addition to dithering. So it seems that is possible for BYE/BYN to use the new API to suspend the current capture plan, or prevent the capture plan from starting, if PHD2 has lost the guide star.


Also, please understand that I am only saying that what you ask for is possible. This is not a commitment that it will become a feature of BYE/BYN or when such an enhancement may be made. That is not for me to say.

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There actually 2 PHD APIs which support dithering. The original API that was used by version 1 of PHD is still supported, as well as a new API for PHD2. The new API (PHD2) allows an external program to monitor for loss of guide star, in addition to dithering. So it seems that is possible for BYE/BYN to use the new API to suspend the current capture plan, or prevent the capture plan from starting, if PHD2 has lost the guide star.


Also, please understand that I am only saying that what you ask for is possible. This is not a commitment that it will become a feature of BYE/BYN or when such an enhancement may be made. That is not for me to say.



thanks eg the answer ... I am realizing the remote control program of my observatory in vb.net so the use of the API I'm very interested. But I did not understand it is now possible to give the command to the server to sospenere BYE-SUSPEND like when you dither. I have also seen that among the parameters longer exists a "Bin" that is not listed in the example on the pdf, what it refers to? There are no parameters action is also in pdf?  BackyardTcpClient.SendCommand (string.Format ( "takepicture quality: {0} Duration: {1} ISO {2} bin {3}", quality, duration, iso, bin));

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With the API you do not send a plan to execute, you send individual commands to take individual pictures.


It is up to you (via the API) to have logic in your program to wait before sending the next 'take picture' command... in essence -you- control when a picture is taken.  Since there is no plan (only 1 picture at a time) there is no need for a suspend in the API, only a 'abort' command to abort the current picture and return control to your program.


Hope this makes sense.

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With the API you do not send a plan to execute, you send individual commands to take individual pictures.


It is up to you (via the API) to have logic in your program to wait before sending the next 'take picture' command... in essence -you- control when a picture is taken.  Since there is no plan (only 1 picture at a time) there is no need for a suspend in the API, only a 'abort' command to abort the current picture and return control to your program.


Hope this makes sense.


you think so .. The parameter 'exposures: {number of images to take, default is 1} so it is not used? Does not specify the number of shots to do?  I will try to create a program that individually send the single-shot ...

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you think so .. The parameter 'exposures: {number of images to take, default is 1} so it is not used? Does not specify the number of shots to do?  I will try to create a program that individually send the single-shot ...


Oh, yep... you are correct.


Your only option here is to send the 'abort' command then :(



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You have raised 2 issues in this thread.


One...Is there a way for an external application to abort a capture plan?


Two...Is there a way to suspend a capture plan when PHD2 reports the loss of the guide star?


The answer to One is yes, but the external application must have started the capture plan in order for it to work with the current version of the software. Currently you can not start a capture plan via the BYE user interface and abort it through the API.


The answer to Two is no, not currently. But it may be possible in the future.

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