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BYE - Planetary, AVI deleting





Yesterday, I managed to acquire some 358GB of AVI files of the transit.


There are also a number of folder with JPG images.


  • What is the difference between a frame of the AVI, and the corresponding JPG?
  • can I delete the AVI, and still have the same information in the JPG?



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Compare the size of the AVI to the total size of all the JPG files that went into it. Delete whichever is larger (the AVI or all the JPGs). There is really no reason for both.  You keep whichever format is best used by your stacking software. Any compression should be "lossless" which means that a frame from the AVI file should be identical to the JPG that it came from.

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Thanks Guy and Astroman.


The JPG folder contents are significantly less that the equivalent AVI.


example: the folder is 145MB, the AVI is 2.27GB


a third of a terabyte recovered .....


Damn, I do like developer responses in this field.


Imagine having Oracle/Microsoft/Apple reply so quickly......

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Is there any particular reason that the JPG and AVI are created?


As there is a large difference int he amount of disk space required for these, could we have an option to select 

  • JPG
  • AVI
  • both

Or, does that option exist, and I have not found it?




Apologies if you are a French speaking Canadian (from your name, particularly if Quebecois ), but my French is very poor.

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They are both there for convenience.


AVI format is 30+ years old so it is not as efficient in space allocation and I do not know what it adds to the file to make it that big.



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The individual LiveView frames are downloaded from the camera and saved as JPG image files.  Then, if requested, the JPG files are combined into an AVI file.


Whether the AVI file is created is your choiice.


On the Planetary Imaging screen you can control the behavior with the Save To setting in the Planetary Capture Plan.


Save To choices are AVI+JPG, AVI, JPG.


Both RegiStax and AutoStakkert can take either JPGs or an AVI file. It is probably faster to set the SaveTo option to JPG only.

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In the long-run, if you intend on performing Stacking of your Planetary Images, you'll want to retain the AVI and discard the JPG.


This is because the more common of the Planetary Image Stacking Apps - RegiStax6 and AutoStakkert2 and AVIStacker - have limits on the number of JPG that can be Stacked per Run.


JPG Format has Compression Enabled even at Highest Quality Level - although at 100% Quality it is Lossless and less efficient than that used in other Formats.


AVI is a very long-lived Format, but one which has gone through MANY sets of Standards regarding Content and Compression.  Given the rather LARGE Sizes of the AVIs produced by BYE BackgroundWorker, I'd guess that not only is there no Inter-Frame Compression but that there may be no RLL-Compression per Frame.

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