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Star magnitude limit in Frame & Focus



I can't find answer to this question anywhere so here it is:

Is there a star magnitude limit in Frame & Focus without stretching the image with HD Star? Is it 4 or dimmer? Guylain, what is it? The reason I'm asking is because when I plan my session I would like to pick a star for focusing as close to dim target as possible.

Thanks, Jerry

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Your scope may be different from mine, but when I use my DSLR, any "bright" star will work.  In this case I mean bright in the sense that the Celestron NexStar hand controller selects it as a calibration or alignment star or for the "Precise Goto" function.

If you are not familiar with the "Precise Goto" function, you should read about it in the Celestron manual.  Basically, the hand controller automatically selects a bright star, usually within a few degrees of the target, and slews to it.  You can then adjust the mount to center the star (and, at the same time adjust the focus of your telescope) and then complete the slew to your target.

Occasionally, when your target is close to the meridian, it will choose a bright star on the opposite side and using Precise Goto can cause a couple of meridian flips.  This can be a bit of a pain and you just need to be careful when using Precise Goto on a star that has just crossed the meridian.

I hope this helps.

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Your scope may be different from mine, but when I use my DSLR, any "bright" star will work.  In this case I mean bright in the sense that the Celestron NexStar hand controller selects it as a calibration or alignment star or for the "Precise Goto" function.


If you are not familiar with the "Precise Goto" function, you should read about it in the Celestron manual.  Basically, the hand controller automatically selects a bright star, usually within a few degrees of the target, and slews to it.  You can then adjust the mount to center the star (and, at the same time adjust the focus of your telescope) and then complete the slew to your target.


Occasionally, when your target is close to the meridian, it will choose a bright star on the opposite side and using Precise Goto can cause a couple of meridian flips.  This can be a bit of a pain and you just need to be careful when using Precise Goto on a star that has just crossed the meridian.


I hope this helps.



Hi Rick,

I have no problem with selecting alignment stars, I use Starry Night Pro Plus v,6 and it actually highlights all 88 Celestron alignment stars. Not only that, the program allows me to put in my custom horizon by making panorama of my shooting location and insert it in the program. Extremely useful since now I can see which stars are visible to me at any given time and which are blocked by houses or trees. Fantastic feature.

What I was wondering is what it the magnitude limit for Frame  & Focus without resorting to kicked it up few notches with HD Star.

Thanks for the tip on Precise GoTo. I have never used it before. So, what is the magnitude limit for BYE? I included screen capture of this program with my horizon. post-3082087-141893876458_thumb.jpg

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My mistake, Rick. My C6 will never compare to most scopes that guys here are using when it comes to light collecting capacity. I'll just see tonight, if it clears up, that is. BTW, I really love that program for planning my sessions, it is so easy to make a list of alignment stars knowing that I will see them from my location. BTW, I was doing M51, it was at 68 degrees and my focuser was stretched to the limit with 3lb, 8oz hanging from the end. When I bought it I didn't know that I will add cold box to the end of it. Too late now. I run a piece of paper strip in between top roller and tube and it helped a lot.


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