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Be as specific as possible when reporting issues and *ALWAYS* include the full version number of the application you are using and your exact *CAMERA MODEL*
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Connecting Canon 40D and T2i to BYE



How do you connect a  40D and T2i to my laptop. Both cameras are wireless. What type of cable do I use.

Also, when I load BYE I

1) Make sure EOS Utility is not running.

2) Make sure the camera is turned on and the battery is fully charged.

3) If you are trying to connect a DIGIC II camera model such as the 5D, 20D, 20Da, 30D, or 350D make sure your are running Windows 32 bits.  These models do not work on Windows 64 bits.

4) If you are using a USB hub, remove it, connect the camera directly in a USB port on your computer and try again.

If you are still having issues please visit our support forum at http://forum.otelescope.com and open a support ticket.

get the following when trying to connect.




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 Here is some troubleshooting tips to help when you are unable to connect the camera with BYE:

1) When you report an issue, always provide the full version number of BYE, as requested in the ORANGE bar at the top of this page. The version is typically 3 numbers; all three are important. The most recent release version if BYE is 3.2.3. That third digit is as important as the first 2 digits. If you include release candidate versions there have been probably a dozen or more distinct versions of BYE 3.2. Also important are which version of Windows you are using and the camera model. The type of license that you have may also be important. The more info you provide the more quickly your issue will be resolved.

2) If the camera has builtin WiFi capability. It should be disabled in the camera's setup menus. BYE uses the Canon-supplied software library (the Canon SDK) for connecting and controlling their cameras. The SDK does not support the pairing functionality needed to connect BYE to the camera over WiFi. You must use a USB cable that is known to be good. The cable should be less than 5 meters long. It is common to need more length than that in the field and the USB standard length limitation can be overcome by using a good quality USB Extension cable.

3) When the camera is plugged into the PC and turned on, Windows should, almost immediately, recognize the camera and show the camera in the Windows Device Manager. If Windows does not list the camera then BYE will not be able to connect to it.

4) If Windows does not show the camera in the Device Manager, then the USB cable could be not connected correctly, or it may be a bad cable. The USB circuitry in the camera can also fail.

5) When you click the Connect button in BYE, you should see a "Select your camera driver" dialog window. The 40D is a DIGIC III model and the T2i is a DIGIC IV camera so you must select Canon for the both of them. Canon210 is for much older DIGIC II models which even BYE no longer supports because most computers today are 64-bit and Canon never released 64-bit drivers for those old models.

6) The camera only supports a single connection at a time from the PC. This means there should be no other app connected to the camera when you attempt to connect BYE. If you installed the Canon EOS Utility, it may automatically connect to the camera when Windows first recognizes the camera and loads its Plug-and-Play driver. You should disconnect the app from the camera and re-configure the app to NOT autoconnect to the camera.

7) There was a recent post by a user who was also unable to connect BYE or BYN to his camera. His issue was caused by a corrupt Windows camera driver. He fixed his issue by following a procedure that he found elsewhere online to delete the existing driver and install a replacement driver. Here is a link to his thread --> https://www.otelescope.com/forums/topic/12888-unable-to-connect-to-canon-eos-r8/#comment-41391

I hope this helps.

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Note that neither the 40D nor the T2i are WiFi-enabled - unless the user supplies a Canon Wireless File Transmitter WFT-E3 (or equivalent).  Even so, that WFT-E3 is NOT supported directly by the Canon DSLR SDK.  The small Wireless Shutter Trigger is NOT a connection between the DSLR and anything - in fact it is an InfraRed "Clicker" which can actually ruin a Nighttime / Long Exposure shot.


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