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Issue connecting to Canon R6mii



I recently purchased a Canon R6mii and have been trying to get it to connect to BYE without any luck.  Previously, I was using a Canon 6D without any issues.  Using the R6mii I've tried both the 32bit BYE 3.2.2 and just downloaded the 64bit BYE 3.5.0 also with no avail.  I am running these on a 64-bit install of Win 11 Pro. 

I have the camera on Manual, auto-focus off.  I'm connecting via USB-C on the camera to USB-A on the PC.  I do have EOS Utility on this laptop, but have verified it's not running while trying to connect to BYE.  When trying to connect to the camera, BYE spins for a few minutes and eventually fails to connect.  The logs (file attached) seem to indicate it connects successfully to the camera and then disconnects and stays disconnected. 

Any tips on what I could try to resolve this would be much appreciated.


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The following error is from the log file in your previous post.

2024-03-24 15:45:26,636 [Main] ERROR - License validation error!
2024-03-24 15:45:53,566 [Main] ERROR - Error converting f- to int32.
2024-03-24 15:45:53,592 [Main] ERROR - Input string was not in a correct format.
2024-03-24 15:45:53,592 [Main] ERROR -    at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at BinaryRivers.Common.Extensions.StringExtensions.ConvertToInt32(String int32String, Int32 defaultvalue, Boolean verbose)
2024-03-24 15:45:53,592 [Main] DEBUG - ButtonPlus_MouseClick(btnValidate = 'Validate')

It indicates that your license key is invalid.

You should use Copy and Paste to transfer your license key from My Purchases -> Orders on this web site into the BYE License Validation dialog. You also need to enter your O'Telescope username into the Identifier field.

But then BYE seems to allow you to try to connect to the camera. This seems like a program bug.

That said, I may be interpreting the log file incorrectly. I will let the developers provide their input.

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Thanks for the reply.  The license error in the log is odd.  It seems to have accepted the key when I installed the x64 BYE 3.5.  Either way, I copied/pasted from the Orders section per your recommendation and I don't see that License error in the log anymore, but the behavior is the same.

I've tried multiple USB cables and multiple USB ports on the laptop with no change.  Updated log attached without the license error.


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Does the camera have WiFi capability? If so, you must disable it so it will connect via the USB cable.

Also, when the camera is plugged into the PC with a good cable and powered on, the camera should be recognized by Windows and should be listed in the Windows Device Manager. If this doesn't happen, BYE will not be able to connect to it.

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Yes, the camera has WiFi.  It's in 'Airplane Mode', so the WiFi is off.  Just to make sure, I turned Airplane mode off and manually disabled WiFi, but the behavior was the same.  As for Device Manager, yes, the camera is listed under 'Portable Devices' when connected - screenshot attached.


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Sorry, I replied before looking at the log file.

It shows that BYE did connect to the camera and recognized it as an R6 Mk II, but then immediately disconnected. Is the camera set to either the  Manual or BULB  shooting modes?

In the latest log that you provided, it appears that the disconnect is caused by an error when attempting to read the LiveViewAutoFocusMode parameter. If I am interpreting the log file correctly the error code is EDS_ERR_UNIMPLEMENTED. Hoperully, Guylain will confirm. With newer cameras there are additional algorithms for Live View focusing. Some of them can give BYE problems, Like Face+ Tracking. I have never used the R6 Mk II, so don't know its feature set.

If you have used the camera for terrestrial photography in the past, perhaps there is a setting that you changed that does not make sense for astrophotography. Performing a Factory Reset may restore it to something that is usable by BYE, but you would have to disable WiFi again afterwards.

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You're getting a camera "ERROR EDS_ERR_INTERNAL_ERROR". Not sure what could be causing this.

Try the following.

  • remove the battery from the camera for at lease 30 seconds, then put it back in
  • make sure the camera dial is set to "B" or "M"
  • turn the camera on
  • Try connecting to BYE again.

Keep us posted.

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I've been removing the battery during this troubleshooting process, and the camera has always been on Manual.  I tried this again, but still no dice.  I'm convinced this has to be a camera setting. 

When I connect the USB cable to the camera, the camera screen shows a battery indicator and an icon of a laptop.  When I click the 'Connect' icon in BYE, the camera almost immediately switches to Live View and I can see a live image on the screen.  Meanwhile, for a few minutes, BYE is unresponsive. 

BYE stays on top of other screens on my laptop, even if I've clicked off it, and it's non-responsive.  After a couple minutes, BYE returns to the normal first screen - with the 'Connect' button clickable again - and becomes responsive again. 

If I then try connecting again in BYE (camera is already on live view now), BYE almost immediately fails to connect instead of the prolonged wait after trying to connect the first time.

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It seems odd to me that BYE goes into Frame & Focus immediately after Connecting. For me it goes into Imaging.

I would check the Live View options in the camera's settings. Particularly I would look at focus related settings. Sometimes with newer cameras you have to "dumb them down" in order to work with the Canon SDK which supports a wide range of cameras.

BYE may be unresponsive because it is waiting to get a new Live View image, but the camera is not sending it due to it not being in focus.  This is just a guess.

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Can I ask what firmware you're running?  I'm on 1.3.0 which I believe is the latest. 

I'm trying to avoid a factory reset as this is mainly a terrestrial camera for me and I have it highly customized for that type of photography, which I'd rather not undo.  I may try a factory reset if I can't figure it out in a day or two, but I'm really trying to avoid that option. 

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Per Canon, the R6mkII has the standard Backup/Restore Settings capability.  Use that to make a Backup of your Terrestrial Imaging Settings.  Then you can start with a Clean Slate (Factory Reset) for your Astrophotography efforts, and Restore any time the Landscape Bug bites...

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14 hours ago, mbossert said:

Can I ask what firmware you're running?  I'm on 1.3.0 which I believe is the latest. 

I'm trying to avoid a factory reset as this is mainly a terrestrial camera for me and I have it highly customized for that type of photography, which I'd rather not undo.  I may try a factory reset if I can't figure it out in a day or two, but I'm really trying to avoid that option. 

I'm running 1.1.1

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9 minutes ago, admin said:

take a look at this thread.


Yes, I actually posted in that thread asking for clarification from the OP on how they solved their issue.  They mentioned they 'disabled' the "choose USB connection app" setting, but in my camera, there's no option to disable it.  The options are:

  • Photo Import/Remote Control
  • Video calls/streaming
  • Canon app(s) for iPhone

I have actually tried connecting to BYE with all 3 of those settings active and it did not solve the issue.

To further troubleshoot, I re-downloaded the Canon EOS utility and tried connecting my camera to it and I actually had a very similar experience to what I'm getting with "BYE".  The EOS utility 'spins' for a while trying to connect and ultimately does not connect to the camera.  Now I'm wondering if there's an issue with the R6mii firmware I'm on, or possibly a driver issue on my laptop?  I am going to download BYE on a different machine and see if it will connect to my camera. 

If that still doesn't work, I may try downgrading the camera firmware and finally, a factory reset if necessary.  If it comes to that, I'll try the recommendation from @s3igell above regarding a settings backup.

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Progress.  I installed both BYE and the Canon EOS Utility on my desktop and both of them successfully connect to my R6mii.  Interestingly enough, when I first connected my camera to my desktop and launched the Canon EOS utility, the software prompted me saying something along the lines of "EOS Utility needs to make changes to your Windows Firewall settings to connect to your camera.  Allow changes?".  I clicked yes, and the connection was successful.

I don't recall getting this prompt on my laptop, but now I suspect a default setting in Windows Firewall on my laptop must be preventing the camera connection over USB.  Both computers are running Windows 11 Pro.  I'm going to uninstall the EOS utility on my laptop, reinstall it, connect the camera to the laptop again and see if EOS utility gives me the firewall prompt.

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Still no luck.  I have uninstalled, cold rebooted, reinstalled a few times now and EOS Utility does not prompt me for any firewall changes.  I've tried to manually compare Windows Defender Firewall settings between my laptop and desktop and they appear to be very close, if not identical. 

I've started trying to compare the USB MTP driver versions between the two machines as there are differences, but at this point I feel as if I'm grasping at straws.

Just out of curiosity, I have installed drivers on this laptop for a ZWO ASI camera I have - any idea if those drivers could conflict with the USB drivers for the Canon camera?

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I modified the Windows Defender settings to allow the Backyard EOS executables through the firewall. They are:

  • C:\program files (x86)\backyardeosv3.2\binaryrivers.backyardeos.start.camera1.exe
  • C:\program files (x86)\backyardeosv3.2\binaryrivers.backyardeos.start.camera2.exe
  • C:\program files (x86)\backyardeosv3.2\binaryrivers.backyardeos.start.camera3.exe
  • C:\program files (x86)\backyardeosv3.2\binaryrivers.backyardeos.start.camera4.exe

That said, I am not sure why I did that.

I would not expect interference between other drivers and the Canon low-level driver.

Windows Update should update the MTP driver, as necessary.

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After more digging on the Canon forums, I came across a number of posts indicating past compatibility issues between the EOS Utility and AMD chipsets.  My laptop has an AMD Ryzen 7 CPU and AMD chipset. 

In some of these posts, it was mentioned that running the connection through a USB hub can bypass the issue.  I was very skeptical of that, but had a USB hub laying around and decided to give it a shot. 

I still can't believe it, but it worked.  Both EOS Utility and BYE connect through the hub just fine.  Some others posts indicate the issue may be related to AMD USB 3.0 type A connections, so I may try to get my hands on a USB-c to USB-c cable as the laptop has a USB-c port and see if that will work, thus bypassing the need for a hub.  

Either way, thanks to everyone who chipped in here with some suggestions.  And hopefully this helps somebody with an AMD machine down the line.

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That's interesting that you're having no issues on an AMD machine.  Maybe that's not the actual root cause?  Either way, I know it works through the hub and not direct cable from camera to laptop.

Just for reference, these were the threads I came across in the Canon forms that intrigued me enough to try the USB hub.




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