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Z8 is not selectable in the latest rev of BYN Premium




I have a license BYN Premium and have downloaded and installed it. I do not see the Nikon Z8 camera in the selection list. It is supposed to be supported by the latest revision as indicated in the online supported camera documentation.

Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?



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I confirm that the latest compile of BYN using the 24/05/15 Nikon Z8 SDK works! Thank you all! This is the v3.5.0-RC8-x64 recompiled 5/30/24.


I must warn users of the Z8 with a telescope however. The Z mount interface gets put into a state whereby flats taken on the telescope will have very strong lines thru them making them useless. This does not happen if connecting to Nikon lenses or a Tamron lens, all being F-mounts and using the FTZ II converter.

In order to reset the Z mount interface, the following must be followed from Nikon technical support.




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Please tell us the version of BYN that you are trying to using. Whenever you report a problem or ask a question about BYN we need the complete version number.

Only the latest pre-release version BYN version 3.5.0-RC7 X64 fully supports the Z8. In addition, for this pre-release version you must set the Live View Offset setting to 1024 in order for LiveView to work for Frame & Focus, Planetary, and Drift Align functionality.

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Now running BackyardNIKON x64. A little help please, where is the Live View Offset setting located?


Secondly, attached is the log file generated when the program crashes in trying to connect to the Z8.


Got much further this time but still missing something to get this to work with the Z8.

Thanks for your help!


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1 hour ago, eigenfreq said:

Now running BackyardNIKON x64. A little help please, where is the Live View Offset setting located?


Secondly, attached is the log file generated when the program crashes in trying to connect to the Z8.


Got much further this time but still missing something to get this to work with the Z8.

Thanks for your help!

logfile-[20240306-15h10m55s631]-[17232]-2024-03-06.txt 34.14 kB · 1 download

The offset setting is in "Settings -> Advance settings".

Is the camera dial set to BULB?


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Thanks, I'm going to try to add additional logging to identify the offending capability that is throwing the error in the log files.


2024-03-06 20:50:19,087 [Main] DEBUG - Nikon drivers 'Type0031_Z8/C:\Program Files\BackyardNIKONv3.5\NikonX64\Type0031_Z8\Type0031.md3' is loading...
2024-03-06 20:50:19,152 [Main] INFO  - Nikon drivers 'Type0031_Z8/C:\Program Files\BackyardNIKONv3.5\NikonX64\Type0031_Z8\Type0031.md3' initialized.
2024-03-06 20:50:19,510 [Main] INFO  - NikonX64/Z8 drivers initialized.
2024-03-06 20:50:19,772 [4] INFO  - Camera state changed: 1 = 'CameraAdded'
2024-03-06 20:50:19,784 [Main] INFO  - Camera state changed: 'Disconnected'
2024-03-06 20:50:19,794 [4] ERROR - Capability (kNkMAIDCapability_Name) is not supported
2024-03-06 20:50:19,795 [4] ERROR -    at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonBase.GetCapabilityType(eNkMAIDCapability cap)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.Wrapper.NikonBase.Get(eNkMAIDCapability cap)
   at BinaryRivers.Camera.Nikon.NikonCameraManager.ManagerOnDeviceAdded(NikonManager sender, NikonDevice device)
2024-03-06 20:50:19,933 [Main] INFO  - -----------------------------------
2024-03-06 20:50:19,933 [Main] INFO  - Application state changed: 'Disconnected'


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It does not seem that you are getting far enough that the shooting mode would matter. However, the camera should be set to Photo mode And Manual shooting mode (where BYN can control the ISO, f/stop, and exposure duration). But even if it is set to one of the automatic modes, BYN should not crash.


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5 hours ago, eigenfreq said:

Sorry forgot this, my camera has firmware version 2.0 installed and the memory cards are installed and empty. Thanks again.

I wonder if this is the issue. I personally tested the Z8 last weekend and this is how I was able to make it work, and nothing changed since last weekend.

This said, the capability is actually in the log file, it's actually the camera NAME. It fails at trying to fetch/read the camera name, Z8 in this case. The fact that this occurs is what makes me wonder if the firmware 2.0 is playing a role in all of this.


2024-03-06 20:50:19,794 [4] ERROR - Capability (kNkMAIDCapability_Name) is not supported

Is there a way you can revert to the previous firmware as a quick test?

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Bad news.  This is from Nikon Support.


Hi Robert!
Thank you for contacting Nikon.

Unfortunately it is not possible to downgrade your firmware to a previous version.

If you have any more questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reply to this email or contact us at 1-800-645-6687. Our hours of operation are Monday through Friday, 9am-8pm EST.

Jacob B.
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2 hours ago, eigenfreq said:

Here is another.

Failed To Open Source Object Error.jpeg

Sadly, this looks like the faith of the Z8 is sealed for anyone who has updated their firmware to 2.0 until Nikon releases a new SDK that would work.

Just like Canon, the Nikon SDK is as-is and is not supported :(

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