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bracketing for solar eclipse



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Please explain, in more detail, what you mean by "bracket for use during a solar eclipse" and explain how this would help your workflow.

I do not know about the Nikon SDK, but for EOS caneras, the Canon SDK does not expose the exposure bracketing functionality that the cameras have for control by 3rd party apps through the SDK.

Also, in my experience, especially near totality, conditions change so rapidly that there is no time for taking multiple exposures during a phase of totality, so I am unsure how this would improve your workflow.

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I would like to set up a program to take 1/500 sec, then 1/250, etc down to 1/4 sec, and repeat for mis eclipse

Is the only way to do this by setting up each line in a program, and loop?? or can one line bracket?

Also, I have a DSUSB, but does not seem to work with the program when selected ( the usb connection does work)

Is this because I have a trial version, will it work when purchased?(I have a D7100 nikon)

Mario Motta

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The only way to do what you are asking is to set up a separate row in the capture plan for each exposure. This is why the capture plan supports soooo many rows. It also allows you to select the time when the capture plan starts via an unlabeled button at the right end of the same line of controls.

I am not a Nikon owner but BYN should work with a DSUSB cable, but you must select DSUSB, instead of Camera USB, from the Cable support dropdown control in the Capture Plan Center. It also has a Test button, beside the Cable Support dropdown.

Have you checked out the Eclipse Orchestrator app? It knows about each eclipse and the time of each phase when you enter your viewing location. For the 2017 eclipse I was able to create a plan for the eclipse that ran on its own. I was able to test it in advance, so when the time came for the event, I was able to enjoy it while the plan ran automatically.

The Trial license activates all the features of the program for 30 days. So if a feature does not work with a Trial license then it will not work with a Premium license. The only differences are the 30 day expiration of the Trial license and that the program requires an Internet connection so that the it can check that the Trial license has not expired. This check is performed every time you start BYN while using a Trial license.

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Hi, thank you. Yes I have eclipse orchestrator, the pro version, but... seems NOT to work on windows 11 well at all, tried it several times, very erratic (fails to connect frequently). It does work on windows 10 well, but... my windows 10 laptop is old. No new updates since 2017.

OK, so you are saying that to do a bracketing sequence set each exposure and use the loop feature. I think I get it now, I will practice and see if this will work for me., thanks. 

I have clicked on DSUSB, and the camera is not recognized when I use that connection, only in USB mode, where it does connect and work, thanks again

Mario Motta 

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Whether you choose the USB option or the DSUSB option should not have any affect on Connection. DSUSB is only used for controlling the shutter. You always need to have a USB cable for other control and downloading images.

Let me say that again differently. You always need the USB cable between the PC and the camera. But if you want to use the DSUSB cable for shutter control that cable must be used along with the USB cable. In this case there will be 2 cables between the PC and the camera.


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On 1/16/2024 at 12:36 PM, mariomotta said:

Hi, thank you. Yes I have eclipse orchestrator, the pro version, but... seems NOT to work on windows 11 well at all, tried it several times, very erratic (fails to connect frequently). It does work on windows 10 well, but... my windows 10 laptop is old. No new updates since 2017.

OK, so you are saying that to do a bracketing sequence set each exposure and use the loop feature. I think I get it now, I will practice and see if this will work for me., thanks. 

I have clicked on DSUSB, and the camera is not recognized when I use that connection, only in USB mode, where it does connect and work, thanks again

Mario Motta 

EO doesn't support all Nikons. It doesn't support my D5300. But, if you run EO, do it in compatibility mode back to 10, or 7.

BYN is my new go-to for my D5300, it can at least communicate both ways. Unfortunately, it's missing the eclipse timing feature that EO has.

HOWEVER, it would be nice if the execution of plans could be scheduled for specific times..... I could just set the execution time for the beginning of each contact 1-4 plan....

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You can do much of what you want with the current release of BYE, if you are willing to time your run yourself.

In the capture plan you can put timed pauses between exposures, and you can manual pauses between rows in the capture plan. If you do not know about these capabilities, ask a question in the BYE forum.

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