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Unable to set MirrorLock, current setting is assumed!



I am using premium version 3.2.3 with a Canon 1000D. When I try to lock the mirror I get this error. I have read in this forum that mirror vibrations are usually not a problem, but I am following a prescribed bracketing method for the upcoming total eclipse in April 2024, and they specify no vibrations at all. If I can, I would like to lock up the mirror. This is the error showing in the log. I have the mirror lock function checked in settings/advanced, and have tried different settings for the mirrorlock in the capture plan, with the same results.


Your camera requires a configured serial cable for BULB or Mirror Lock.
12:32:17  Imaging session cancelled
12:32:17  Unable to set MirrorLock, current setting is assumed!

Thanks for any help, and thanks for such a great program!


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The 1000D is a very old camera and according to the BYE Supported Cameras table it requires an additional cable to allow Mirror Lock functionality. It requires a serial shutter control cable in addition to the USB cable.

I am not sure who "they" are that recommend mirror lock to eliminate vibrations. When I shot the 2017 eclipse I did not use mirror lock and it was not needed. By definition, your workflow has a step to raise the mirror, wait for vibration to settle, and then take the picture, the number of pictures that you will be able to take will be reduced because of the additional settling delay between the mirror flipping up and the start of the exposure.

Are you absolutely sure that the delay is necessary for your setup? What testing have you done? Have you tried anything to improve the stability of your mount?

I used a Celestron CGEM mount and a StellarVue 5" refractor with a focal reducer and a T5i to shoot the 2017 eclipse. I had a hard time getting all the shots that I wanted even with only waiting the 1.25 seconds that were needed for the camera to save the image to the fastest SD card that I could buy. Adding more delay due to mirror flip settling time was not possible. Fortunately for me, the mount and the scope with focal reducer were heavy enough that there was no appreciable vibration from the mirror flipping before each image.

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7 hours ago, eatabean said:

I am using premium version 3.2.3 with a Canon 1000D. When I try to lock the mirror I get this error. I have read in this forum that mirror vibrations are usually not a problem, but I am following a prescribed bracketing method for the upcoming total eclipse in April 2024, and they specify no vibrations at all. If I can, I would like to lock up the mirror. This is the error showing in the log. I have the mirror lock function checked in settings/advanced, and have tried different settings for the mirrorlock in the capture plan, with the same results.


Your camera requires a configured serial cable for BULB or Mirror Lock.
12:32:17  Imaging session cancelled
12:32:17  Unable to set MirrorLock, current setting is assumed!

Thanks for any help, and thanks for such a great program!


The error is self-explanatory, you need a serial cable to achieve mirror lock on the 1000D. The USB cable alone is not sufficient as the 1000D does not allow for mirror lock over USB.

This said, I don't think mirror lock up will help for your use case... mirror lock up is a once per shot only thing... it will actually add about 2-3 seconds per shoot.


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Thank you. That's what I was fearing. The camera I would like to use is a Canon 5D mark I , and that once was a flagship product. It is now old and very difficult to use with a computer, with no drivers for 64 bit windows machines. I'm sure a solution will arise!


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Your options seem limited.

1) Ignore the recommendation to delay between "mirror up" and "shutter open".

2) Put together an option that uses equipment that is heavy enough that vibration from mirror flip is not an issue

3) Replace your old cameras with a newer mirrorless camera, but be sure that it is supported by BYE. Some of the older mirrorless models do not support USB control and so will not work with BYE.

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