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Nikon Z8 Pre-release Available?




Is there a pre-release version of BYN available that supports the recently released Nikon Z8. I will be happy to help test the software when it is available. Thanks.


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There is no pre-release version of BYN currently available. The latest release is only 2 months old.

Please remember that BYN cannot support a specific model until Nikon has released a version of their Software Development Kit (SDK) that supports the camera. This can take from weeks to months to occur.

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The new Nikon SDK is only available in 64 bits.

BYE/BYN are only available in 32 bits - for now - so the short answer is that I have some leg work to do first.

What I have done so far:

  1. Upgraded the UI library to a version that compiles on 64 bits ~ this was a showstopper - but is fixed now :)
  2. Download Canon and Nikon SDKs 64 bits
  3. Compiled BYE in 64 bits and did preliminary testing (a few bugs but mostly functional)

What I have yet to do

  1. Compile BYN in 64 bits
  2. Fix a few bugs (as they come along)
  3. Test BYN/BYE 64 bits like crazy
  4. Release in the wild :)


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Try this download with your Z8. Please report your findings.

You are breaking grounds with this version, this is the first 64 bits for BackyardNIKON. Only the Z8 and Z50 are working for now. I'll be working on adding the other camera models slowly. My first target is to support all Z series cameras that have a Nikon SDK, then move to older models where possible.


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I am a BYE user who is not associated with O'Telescope in any way except to provide advice on these forums. My comments are just my opinion and so do not represent a commitment by O'Telescope to provide any support beyond these forums.

Based on my experience as a software developer, using some type of screen sharing between your PC running BYN and an O'Telescope developer would help to call out any user errors to ensure that you are not doing fundamentally incorrectly, but it would not allow the developer to debug into the code of BYN to see the exact location where the connection failure is occurring. So, its use may be limited. Still in the past, it appears to have been something that the developers have used when suggestions on the forum have failed to resolve an issue.

Other solutions have involved O'Telescope renting the use of a camera from a local camera shop or borrowing a camera from a willing user. These have been used very rarely for reasons that may be obvious. Users may be reluctant to send their new camera to O'Telescope, expecially if they do not live in Canada. Renting a specific camera model from a camera shop can take a long time to accomplish.


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23 hours ago, wc5q said:

Would it be possible to use Teamviewer or a similar application and test a camera remotely? 

Not really, I would need the camera here so I can connect to my development environment and debug.


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12 hours ago, brian.ohiggins@rogers.com said:

I can perhaps help out.  Contact me, I'm local in Ottawa

Interesting, send me a message at support@otelescope.com, and we'll take if from there.

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I am curious...How did APT get added into this discussion?

The O'Telescope developers were urged to create a 64-bit version of BYN because Nikon is only providing a 64-bit version of their SDK going forward. This thread has been all about the 64-bit version of BYN.

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On 2/1/2024 at 9:03 AM, brian.ohiggins@rogers.com said:

I can perhaps help out.  Contact me, I'm local in Ottawa

Thank you, Brian, it was a pleasure meeting you :)


Please try the latest v3.5.0-RC7 pre-release. Having access to a Z8 made it much easier to make it work :)


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