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Premium 2.1.2 w/D7500 Plan won't finish or abort when completed.



First off, up until right now I am loving BYN. This program has made getting into AP very fun and relatively easy. After many nights of testing and learning the software and camera, last night I conducted my first full session with a plan. Everything went very well right up until the end. The plan (program in general) then refuses to move away from "busy". My plan was set up to send all images directly to the computer witch it did, so no harm there. I am just wondering if this is something I am doing wrong or is the program acting up? I did 100 Light, 50 dark, 50 flat, then ended with 50 bias. At the end it will then not finish, abort, or suspend.

Thank you all for any help or tips.


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If you had taken all the images, what were you doing when it got stuck busy? Did you, by chance, unplug the cable between the camera and the PC before disconnecting BYN from the camera? That is a no-no. BYN is at the mercy of the Nikon SDK (a software library that Nikon provides to 3rd party developers). It is what became hung, which subsequently hung BYN, when BYN tried to communicate with the camera that was no longer plugged in. That is just a guess, but it seems like the logical cause. In fact, whenever BYN gets "stuck" you need to check your cabling and may need to kill and restart BYN.

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On 9/27/2022 at 5:07 PM, astroman133 said:

If you had taken all the images, what were you doing when it got stuck busy? Did you, by chance, unplug the cable between the camera and the PC before disconnecting BYN from the camera? That is a no-no. BYN is at the mercy of the Nikon SDK (a software library that Nikon provides to 3rd party developers). It is what became hung, which subsequently hung BYN, when BYN tried to communicate with the camera that was no longer plugged in. That is just a guess, but it seems like the logical cause. In fact, whenever BYN gets "stuck" you need to check your cabling and may need to kill and restart BYN.

After I took all the pictures I just waited for the plan to close, stop or finish on its own. Like you said, the last thing I want to do is shut something off or unplug the cable before the program finishes what it is doing. I definitely agree pulling a cable before your supposed to can usually cause problems with anything electronic. After a good amount of time (I'm talking probably 15-30 minutes) I unplugged it and forced stopped the program.

Also if this helps it happened at the end of taking my Bias frames.

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I see several 2022-09-26 23:32:53,819 [12] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroDisconnect'

The disconnect is issued by the camera.

I also see that you spend a lot of time in liveview. This heats up the camera considerably and once the camera reaches a certain internal temperature, it will shut down to protect the electronic. Every camera is difference, but most will shut down between 15 and 30 minutes of being in liveview.

For instance, on Sept 26 you were in liveview from 23:15 to about 23:32 and then the camera issued a shutdown command.



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9 hours ago, admin said:

I see several 2022-09-26 23:32:53,819 [12] INFO  - Camera action fired: 'MaestroDisconnect'

The disconnect is issued by the camera.

I also see that you spend a lot of time in liveview. This heats up the camera considerably and once the camera reaches a certain internal temperature, it will shut down to protect the electronic. Every camera is difference, but most will shut down between 15 and 30 minutes of being in liveview.

For instance, on Sept 26 you were in liveview from 23:15 to about 23:32 and then the camera issued a shutdown command.



That is very good know. I will try another session with an emphasis on less live view time and see what happens. Thank you for the the feed back.

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Also realize that taking a very large number of Bias Frames will also Heat the Camera Electronics - akin to a LiveView Session.  Plus, each Bias requires a Shutter Flap. 

Note 1:  Bias Frames can readily be reused, assuming you shoot with the same ISO.

Note 2:  Highly heated Sensor Electronics will impact the contents and utility of Bias Frames - primarily due to the diff in temperature from such Bias Frames to Light / Flat Frames.

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