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Inactive 30 day trial code



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6 answers to this question

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Well, this is your 4th trial requests after a quick search; you could have more!


You have created at least 4 accounts with the intent to get perpetual free trials.  THIS IS NOT ALLOWED!


2015-03-27        lere380
2015-04-30        jsl4201
2015-05-07        jsl
2015-07-22        jsl2205


I have close/banned account "lere380", "jsl4201", and "jsl".


Please use "jls2205" to purchase BackyardEOS.



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Cross posting?  again?


No problem.  Some people will try to game the system, no matter the cost.  I think that you could give software away, but require the user to register it, and people would try to find a way around it.


Good catch.  I'm glad that you (virtually) slapped his hand in the public forum!

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Well actually I have only used this program once in that time frame due to weather. Before shaming me you should ask why I have done this 4 times. I wish I was able to use this more in the trial phase but maybe you should change to 30 times. This might make it easier for people who live in areas with less than optimal conditions be able to see if the program works. I apologize that I was unable to use your product and I am still on the fence if I would like to purchase your product. This does not help in my decision, since you have my email address you could have sent this privately. Also, some of those accounts were never actually used because the registration email went into my spam folder.

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Well actually I have only used this program once in that time frame due to weather. Before shaming me you should ask why I have done this 4 times. I wish I was able to use this more in the trial phase but maybe you should change to 30 times. This might make it easier for people who live in areas with less than optimal conditions be able to see if the program works. I apologize that I was unable to use your product and I am still on the fence if I would like to purchase your product. This does not help in my decision, since you have my email address you could have sent this privately.




Yes, it is true that I could have sent this by email in private but you opened a thread on a public forum so in essence you made it public first.  I'm not pointing fingers, I'm just stating the fact.


I catch at least 5 to 10 people each month with multiple accounts with nothing but trials every 30 days... I usually banned them for life right from the get go; in your case I kept one account live since you started this thread and without it you would not have been able to reply.


I have no issues issuing a second trial to anyone who asks for; I have done so many times in the past.


If you want to try BackyardEOS again you will have to purchase.  Sorry but after 5 months and 4 accounts these are the terms.


It is up to you to decide if you what to purchase; I'm fine either way.  But know that if you do purchase you will be 100% supported and I would be delighted to have you as a customer.



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As an avid BYE User, I hope that you DO decide to Purchase a License for BackyardEOS.  You WON'T be Sorry!!


I think that if you look through the multitudes of Posts on this Support Forum, that you will see there is Nothing but Helpfulness and Care in the interactions with Guylain - whether to seasoned Purchasers or to newly inquisitive Trial Users.


You'll get a real sense for the amount of Time and Effort that Guylain invests in BackyardEOS / BackyardNIKON - both in Support and in Development.  And THAT is worth it's weight in Gold compared to sort of Customer Relationships seen in most of our Daily World.



Please don't take this the wrong way (and this is just me - a User and not otherwise associated with Guylain):

I'm kind of happy that Guylain has taken a substantial stand against perceived abuses of the 30-Day Trial (even if that wasn't your personal intent).

There is "only so much Guylain to go around", and most of us Existing Purchasers are fully rooting for every step forward in Development of the Next Version and the Next Feature which Guylain is surely working on whenever he isn't attending to Forum Users or other Business Issues (or assuring his Wife and Kids that he is indeed still part of their Family).

If you decide to join us as a License Purchaser, and succeed in using BYE for even a couple of AP Imaging Nights, then you too will find yourself eagerly awaiting every Next Feature.  Join Us!!

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